intelligence and movement are useless unless you want to use equipment such as Heavy robe of thievery or a heavy blue tunic
It's always good to have a high endurance. But a good strength and defense are fundamental to a good battledome pet. Defensive items such as shields are more effective with a higher defense, and weapons are more effective with strength. Sort of stating the obvious. Intelligence and agility are usually useless, but if you are willing to raise them up, some items become open to you, such as the heavy robe of thievery. But I never raised my agility up that high (201).
only noobs use those. i just find out there the guy im versing lives. fly over with my baseball bat and win. circumnavigating all that shit with the str, def etc etc thats how true hackers win
It seems to be strenght and defense xD Intelligence is only great if you want to win prizes, but you need to read a lot, but really a lo of books.
I think endurance (HP) strength, and defense are all equally important. I could care less about movement and intelligence. Unless you're looking to use the heavy blue tunic or heavy robe of thievery.
i think you should balence them out, but like try to get all the stats up some what evenly and max the stats to its level sorry, accidentally gravedug