Well then. Instead of thinking about the good things, share what you think sometimes is sorta bad about yourself. For me, I think it's that I think too much. I worry about a lot, I care about a lot, and sometimes emotionally, I can be a 5 year old while my thoughts would be like a 20 some year old. I don't know.. I am really trying to relax, and not care TOO much about other people. I think my problem is that i'm not being selfish enough sometimes..i'm pretty self less cuz I always think about people around me, and think in general. Oh and I do admit that sometimes I get fused easily. But then again being a girl, there will always be some point of the month where things that doesn't effect me will annoy me to the ends of the Earth {For example, someone who does a particular thing that I usually have no problem with will get me pissed} Also the fact that sometimes, I flame a lot, or give a tint of attitude. I'm nice though I swear Of course...the majority of the time..it might take a lot to piss me off as well..unless you're using a stinky attitude at me for no reason. Well..do share :yup: I made this thread for people to share It'd be nice if no one judged each other though. They are flaws after all.
*moves thread to general* My biggest flaw is my ego. I'm far too confident. I truthfully believe that I'm better than everyone else. I've been brought up as an only child, so naturally I expect to always get things my way. My mom always tells me I'm the best person ever. I'm also smart as hell, I was put in special programs in elementary school. Paid for my own private high schooling with competitive scholarships that total around $100k. I've never not been hired for a job, or anything else I applied for. Got into every university program I applied to. Not just smarts. I do sports too, well I used to before I hurt my knee. I'm great socially, and I listen to music and watch tv and movies. I pride myself on being incredibly well-rounded. I'm not just a nerd who does only school (I don't even try. yay). I'm not a computer geek (though I have mad skillz). I'm not only about music or TV, although I can discuss both with the best of them. Oh and I'm mad good with the women folk. So yea, since I've pretty much grown up without any failure, I've developed a huge ego. I tend to look down on others (in my own head. Not outwardly). I can be rude sometimes too, hurting peoples' feelings and not caring. However, I also pride myself on being a genuinely good person. Deep down inside, regardless of what I might say to people, I'm well intentioned. If I make fun of someone, and they tell me to stop, I stop. My confidence is obviously a virtue. I'm confident, and I really don't hesitate. I take what I want. I'm also high as a kite right now. I took two percocet instead of one (dosage is 1-2. 2 makes me lightheaded and highhhh). I'll probably regret writing this thing tomorrow, and take it down so you guy don't get jealous of how amazing I am. See, ego. God I'm terrible hahaha. Nighty all.
My biggest flaw is probably being too lazy. Either that, or not caring about things enough. Either that, or procrastinating 'till the last minute to do things.
I'm going to kill you and take your identity. Flaws, I have none. I only have weaknesses that double as strengths. Such as caring too much about how I might hurt people, being at times too sensitive and at times abit lazy. But without experiencing black, I would never know white, so its all to spur me on anyway. Thus, I am flawless, we all are. We merely only have differences that we decide to control or not.
Hmmmm some flaws with me........Well I definitely am too worrysome. I'm always worrying about my classes and everything that goes with them! Plus I don't know why but during the school year I find myself getting lazy! I mean how do people manage to keep a good attitude and upbeat during the school year??? Plus I'm really lousy at studying or figuring out the right way of studying! So far this all I can think of but I'm sure more will come to me later on!
Another good topic Mooie ^^ I have the tendency to go insane once a year for a few months so my sanity is a flaw definitely. I have a highly addictive personality which never mixes well with questionable sanity xD I also burn bridges far too easily. Oh and I only meet crazy people literally everyone I ever talk to seems to of just come out of an asylum or is at least addicted to crack xD All of these things come under one flaw of basically being phobic of normality. I don't view this as a flaw really though I've done a lot and I've learnt a lot for my age and people who live the "normal" life will never experience half the things I already have in their lives. I love my bat $h!t! crazy world ^^
I'll list all my favorite ones for you: -I swear too much. I really shouldn't, but listening to me in real life is like listening to a sailor. Only a mildly educated sailor who can also be biting and creative with what she says, ultimately leading to people around her being offended. -I'm a bit of a doormat. If I like you, there's nothing that I wouldn't do for you. I don't care if you're sort of using me - it makes me happy. I wish that I could get over that. -I'm always right, even when I'm wrong, and even when everyone else is sick of the arguement. -If it wasn't for the gutter, my mind wouldn't have a home. -I'm brutally honest when it suits me, and dead manipulative when that is preferential. I twist words, rephrase silences, rehash something logical thus making it nonsense, convince you that you've said something that you never did, and destroy any directionality that a conversation may once have had with subliminal messages or "blantent stupidity." Love your flaws - they're what make you you. It's not your skills or abilities; it's passions and flaws that define. Sure, you can try and fix them. But in the mean time, don't beat yourself up over them.
Ugh, I never like analyzing myself. I guess my biggest flaw is that I pretty much always think I'm right, because I usually am. No to be arrogant or anything, it's just a fact. I'm also extremely stubborn. I have absolutely no probem admitting I'm wrong, until someone tries to rub it in my face, even the tiniest bit, and then I'll never ever admit I'm wrong. I'm extremely competitive; I always have to win. But I'd rather lose from not trying than lose from trying but not being good enough. I'm horribly lazy. I'm always late. People annoy me very easily. I leave everything until the last minute. I never live up to my potential.
Worrying is a flaw of mine too, as well as procrastination, but similar to Moo I have a tendency to be really, really empathic. If other people are hurting I feel like I am hurting too. I do agree, however, with what surreptitious pointed out: that flaws are part of what makes each of us unique. On the other hand I'd think that the experiences we have because of our flaws are just as strong a force in defining us. Lots of people may have some flaws in common, but very few people ever have the same experiences. The experiences we have in various situations can shape our flaws, and inversely our flaws can shape behavior and outcome in those situations, leading to further experience.