What games would you recommend for wii, ps3, 360, ds, & psp?

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by cracck, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. cracck

    cracck Newbie

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Okay, so I work in an electronics store, and basically sell consoles... But I don't own a single console myself.. And people ask me to recommend games when they buy consoles. But I don't know much at all about them so I just tell them what's popular, and hardly know anything about the game.. I just know its popular cuz we sell them fast and get big shipments of it. :/

    But yeah.. Could you please tell me some popular games, possibly for different age groups too? ^^;;

    Thanks!! :)
  2. frozenlicorice

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Wii: Mario Kart Wii
    PS3: Nascar 2008 with wheel
    360: Halo 3 or Battlefield Bad Company
    DS: Final Fantasy III
    PSP: GTA Vice City Stories.
  3. sinmora

    sinmora Level I

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Hidden in the village of green
    Well, I don't know any of those consoles besides a DS, but here's what I recommend for it:

    For the RPG lover:

    Final Fantasy 3: It's kind of a simple RPG that anyone can get into right away. The story is basically non-existent but what really makes it shine is the job system. You have four main hero's but you can change their job into alot of other things which makes for some nice strategies.

    Story Summory: There once was a floating continent that ran on airship engines or something, but it crashed and these four kids became orphans. Now they're... doing something. To be honest, it has been a while since I played this game so I hardly remember the story. :D

    Final Fantasy 4: Hmm, FF4 is definitely not a game for newbie RPG players. The difficulty level is pretty hard and even some experienced gamers have trouble playing through it. But difficulty aside, this is a great game. Its been redone completely from the SNES counterpart and has 3D graphics, voice overs, FMV scenes, and just... awesomeness. The characters are deep and the story is old, but engaging.

    Story Summory: Cecil is the captain of the airship the Redwings and his king has been ordering him to slaughter innocent people to collect ancient crystals. Finally, Cecil begans to doubt his king and is basically banished from the kingdom. Now hes on a journey to find out why the king wants the crystals and in the process, is swept into an adventure to save the world (as always ;) )

    The World Ends With You: This game here is just pure win. The story is unforgettable and new, the characters are interesting and memorable, the battle system is just... awesome. The main game is kinda short, but there is A LOT to do after you beat it. Some have clocked up to 100+ hours trying to unlock everything.

    Story Summory: The main character is a boy named Neku who is full of cliche teenage angst. He woke up in the middle of a placed called Shibuya (a famous shopping district in Japan) with no memory and a black pin in his hand. He quickly realizes that no one can see or hear him, but he can clearly hear their thoughts. Suddenly, he gets a message on his cellphone. He has to complete a certain task, otherwise he would be "erased".

    Pokemon Diamond/Pearl: Well, its a classic Pokemon RPG but with new pokemon, places, and graphics.

    For the Action/Adventure lover:

    Mario 64 DS: The classic Mario 64... on your DS! What more could you ask for?

    New Super Mario Brothers: Remember Super Mario World for SNES? Well, think that, but new graphics, new stages, and on the DS and you'll have NSMB.

    Ninja Gaiden DS: The X-box Ninja Gaiden, but created on the DS! For starters, you hold the DS sideways instead of rightside-up, like a book. Next, it is completely stylus controlled. And finally, it is very, very easy. Don't get me wrong, its a very nice face-paced, actiony, ninja-tastic adventure. (Warning: The game may kill your touchscreen with all the scartching you will be doing to it with your stylus)

    Story Summory: There once was a dark dragon that pwned everyone, so the humans made a sword from another dragons fang and made a sword, aptly named the "Dragon Sword." With the sword, they easily vanquished the dark dragon and made another sword of its fang, named the "Dark Dragon Sword." The Dragon sword was left with the "Hayabusha" clan where it was wielded by "Ryu Hayabusha" the hero of this adventure. (Warning: The spelling could be totally wrong.)

    Other Games:

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2: This is a tactical RPG. A tactical RPG is a game where there are units on the field, and you control them by moving them to certain places on the map. When in position, the units can do things (usually attack). But, what makes FFTA2 different from all the other TRPGs is its job system. By equipping certain items, you can learn certain skills if you are that job. Then you can combine job skills onto a single unit creating some unique combitions.

    Story Summory: School's out for the summer and Luso is ready to start enjoying, but; he is called back by the teacher and forced to go to the library for some reason (forgot ^^;). At the library, the librarian isn't there so he decides to look around. He finds a book but realizes that its mostly empty, and being the vandalizing child he is, he decides to write a story about himself. But once he does, weird things began to happen in a semi-impressive show of gfx and hes transported into a world with bad fashion sense. Now, Luso has to try to find a way home.

    Elite Beat Agents: Hmm, EBA is a very unique game. Its a Music/Rhythm where circles appear on your screen, and you must tap them in time to the music. Its hard to explain without showing, but trust me, its a good game.

    Story Summory: EBA is devided into types of "minisodes." Everyday people have problems, and its up to the Elite Beat Agents to come and sing and dance their troubles away. Yeah... doesn't make much sense, but depending on how well you get your groove on effects how the episode plays out. Also, its highly entertaining.

    Uhhhm, there are loads of other games for the DS but I'm too lazy to list ALL of them. I recommend you do some research on popular reviewing sites to get a better idea.
  4. elisadanahope

    elisadanahope Newbie

    Sep 1, 2008
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    I absolutely love Fire Emblem!~
    The first game I played was Fire Emblem Path of Radiance for Gamecube, but the newest game, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn is on Wii and it is a sequel to it. It is a roleplaying game with strategy and excellent storyline/twists. The characters are unique and you have the choice of team so it is very versatile. Hope this helps.
  5. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Easy, I've played Video Games since Four.

    Wii:Mario Kart or Anything Mario, like at the Olympic Games
    PS3: Call of Duty 4, Battlefield actually sucked, so GTA 4
    360: Halo 3, Guitar Hero, Soulcalibur
    DS: Probably also with Mario, or Final Fantasy, if its a kid game, Pokemon Mystery Dungeo or Diamond and Pearl.
    PSP: God of War: Chains of Olympus, Madden NFL09
  6. rocketman2008

    rocketman2008 Level II

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Another great one for PSP, IMO, is Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. Port of the original Valkyrie Profile for the PS. As memory serves they only made about 70,000 copies so if you look online the original game is WAY expensive. The port, on the other hand, is not. Personally I love it, but do a little research first before you quote me on that xD
  7. ub0r

    ub0r Level III

    Mar 8, 2007
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    I own a Nintento Wii, they have pretty basic games, but your best bet is to stay with the classics.

    Mario Kart is pretty popular. Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Zelda.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I own a DS and a 360. I haven't played my DS in about 4 months though and I'm about to sell it. As for the 360, I play it almost every day. I'd recommend CoD4, Ncaa 09, and any of the guitar heros...
  9. shortbread

    shortbread Level I

    Mar 26, 2008
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    In your garden :D
    I can only really give advice on DS games as that's all i currently own however I would recommend:

    The World Ends With You: an interesting take on an action/rpg game which I absolutely ADORE, it has excellent gameplay and an involving story line. It does take a while to get into the game due to a difficult control scheme but once you've got the hang of it, it really is very good.
    (oh awesome soundtrack as well)

    Advance wars: days of ruin: Great turn based strategy game which supports downloadable content of other peoples maps

    Meteos: Incredibly addictive puzzler, with lots of replay value due to unlockable content and the many game modes.
  10. popojr

    popojr Newbie

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I would recommend Call of Duty 4 for ps3...im like Pro if you wanna add me my psn is popojr!
  11. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Ohh PS3!
    I know "The Little Big Planet" is coming out Oct 21st. It seems like a cute little game.
    For the Wii, I liked Mario Galaxy the most so far. Fun stages and what not.
  12. annoymus

    annoymus Level II

    Oct 2, 2008
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    Fr the PSP

    FF tatics -> they made AMV and updated the game , so its a classic worth trying again:D
  13. gugubee557

    gugubee557 Level II

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Quebec City
    For the Wii :

    Mario Kart Wii : The Online Play is really good, and the gameplay is good too.

    For the DS :

    Elite Beat Agents : A nice rythm game, which needs some skills to play though.
  14. skier101

    skier101 Level I

    Oct 14, 2008
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    you should deffinatly get assasins cree, halo I like 1 the best personally, call of duty is sweet and I also like grand theft auto
  15. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I would recommend Elite Beat Agents for the DS. It's so addictive.
  16. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I can only suggest for 360, but Halo 3 is a must.
    Also FIFA08 (or 09) or Madden08 (or 09).
    ....... Guitar Hero! Probably best game ever made xD
  17. kurotama00

    kurotama00 Newbie

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Wii: Mario Galaxy <3
    -Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (so cute :lol: )
    - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
    - Subarashiki Kono Sekai (The world ends with you)
  18. Bacardi

    Bacardi Newbie

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Can only say about the Wii and DS as never really used the other consoles, but I'd say:

    Wii: Super Smash Bros, Endless Ocean and Red Steel...
    DS: Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, Animal Crossing (all kinda childish on first glance but actually very good gameplay and depth)
  19. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Ace Attorney series if you are good with using your brain
    Professor Layton and the Curious Village also. You try to solve some guy's will that he left when he died and it's a whole big mystery, and you have to solve really witty puzzles and it gets harder the more you get through with the game. But trust me, you will like the ending. It was worth while for me anyways :)
    Pokemon pearl/diamond Yeah self explanatory. There's almost no one from this generation who does not know how pokemon games operate. It's become a lot more 3D from RSE though, more appealing graphics wise.
    Cooking Mama - It's more of a girly game though.
    Mario Kart - Fun with friends, kind of boring playing courses over and over with computers.
    Harvest Moon - Yes! I was so hooked. This was the first and one of the two games I ever bought for the DS. The rest is on the R4. This game is kinda cute. You raise animals, flirt with girls {in the guys version}, get a wife, dig some rare gems, have a kid, unlock hot springs..erm..yeah I can go on and on lol.

    Mario Galaxy - Yeah the line of mario games; They're just simply amazing. This game has great graphics interface, lots of fun levels to go through, and seeing mario, this obviously has levels from underseas, to some snow covered setting, etc etc. Yeah more of an RPG "get through all these levels" stuff.
    Raving Rabbids - A game that hates on bunnies. They run around holding a plunger. It's kinda cute actually =P But if you're a bunny lover, i'd advise you not to play. The mini games are FUN for parties.
    SSB Brawl I- t's a classic; Improve of graphics interface, cool music, new guys, etc. I'll leave the exploring to yourself.

    The Little Big Planet - You go through the funkiest stages. Honestly, the graphics are amazing! I love this game to death, it's more fun with 2P +.

    Ah sorry I can't think of much..one thing is the fact that i'm a girl and my tastes probably differ from a lot of what the people might ask you :p
  20. bobbob

    bobbob Level I

    Sep 8, 2007
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    pokemon diamond DS
    mariokart wii
    mariokart DS
    animal crossing wild world DS
    animal crossing city folk wii