My fiance has a broken tooth that hasn't hurt him for months, & today, it decided to become aggravated. I know it's causing him a lot of pain. I have him a 600mg Ibuprofen & had him rinse his mouth with salt water, the pain has gone down a little, but he still can't close his mouth without agony. I believe he put orajel on it, too. Any suggestions to help the pain until he can get to a dentist?
Drink some alcohol. The gums absorb it, and it should help numb the pain. If not that, use ice to numb the pain, but put it on the outside of your mouth nearest to the tooth.
That's why I said not to apply the ice directly to the tooth. Rather, apply it to the outside of the mouth nearest to the gum, preferably wrapped in a towel. But as the post was made 8 hours ago, i guess advice isn't needed anymore
Codeine did help. A friend of ours had a root canal and had some of his prescription left over. I tried to get him to rinse with whiskey, but he "didn't want to ruin whiskey" for himself. I gave him a vicodin and a half from when I had our daughter, and it got him to go to sleep until the codeine got here. He's going to the dentist this week. It started hurting on a weekend, so we couldn't get him there for a few days. Thanks for the suggestions! Edit: Oh, the days of cocaine toothache medication!
I drink Tylenol or some other pain killers to help with the pain. Sleeping as suggested above is nice too