The most rare items i rsed legit was a cloud wocky morphing potion and the one i most illegit rsed was a count von roo stamp worth 3m
Cheeto i would imagine the second they rsed the items a couple of hours later tnt would of frozen account knowing them xD
Once RS'd a sticky snowflake stamp legit. I remember a Donna stamp RS'd right after or before....I can't remember
Legit was a Leaded Elemental Vial when they were 42m. None illegit so far only Bag of Peanuts from the igloo ABing.
Rarest item I RSd was a Fresh Sushi Cone, r98, it was legit. I also legitly almost got an Asparagus Balls, but some bastard netted it while I was haggling.
my best ever restock was a yellow krawk mp back in the day when they where worth about was a walk in i lovesd it cos i looked it up on the wiz to show my brother it was unbuyable and there was another for 99999 wh00p ive stocked about...ummm nothing since then tho lol