Just curious. I'm not even quite sure what mine is. But if you could pick anything, what would it be?
Faerie techo owns it http://www.google.com.ar/imgres?q=UC+fa ... XAg&zoom=1 (cant figure out how to show image directly)
Pirate Yurble!! (really any and all pirate pets) Just thinking about it makes me want to save up my NPs for a pirate paint brush.
Almost any UC Krawk, especially tyranian. I loved krawks soo much, but I can't stand the changed ones D: UC werelupe. The changed ones are hideous imho. VWN Maraquan draik. At least those look the same. I want one on that principle. And they're pretty And maybe a maraquan cybunny. D8 I hate that I honestly havent found any changed pets I've gone head over heels for, like I used to before the big revamp.