I've never used an ABer before.. With all the different items out there, what do u guys like to go for? Do u like to be bold and go for the good stuff, or play it safe and stick to less profitable things? Just curious. :] Thx.
A lot of people on a lot of forums will tell you to be conservative and go with low items, but lots of them I /dont/ have a solid ABer yet (only a liquid one). However, when I get one, I plan on setting really low settings and hacking away with a 150k+ list for 45 minutes each night before settling into a 100k list at slower speeds on a different acct
oh, that was just a dumb joke... the three states of being are solid, liquid, and gas... so when I first said a 'solid ABer', I meant a reliable one with very flexible settings, but then had the double meaning of a state of being
hahaha hi-larious. i get it. :arf: well I tried some earlier, just picked up some dubloons n things.. haha, I froze, couldn't think of anything else to search lol.
Personally, I'd suggest the Spooky Food shop. It's got a lower freeze rate than the magic shop. A lot of the better restocks you can sell for at least a 10k+ profit, and every once in a while you'll get an R99 Gourmet that sells for a lot. You still have to be careful with your settings, but it's a reasonably safe and profitable choice.
Just ab in pharm for a few weeks and then move your way up to what higher profit shops If you ab in pharm you will double or even triple your restocking np so it's not bad for starters.
smaller profitable things, doesn't have to be 100k worth in profit. 10k items would do fine sometimes too.
I know I've said this like 100 times, but be super careful with spooky foods, it does seem to fluctuate in freeze rate.
Restocking in Chocolate is a good place to AB in for Noob Accts. decent steady profit. low freeze rate. That's where i start. i make about 300-350k a day.
I've found that both books and pharmacy are a great place to restock, since they both seem to restock a LOT at once. Good Luck finding your niche!