I'm looking for a fast, yet reliable PC to buy. I mainly will Legit RS, AB, and learn to design programs. I might be able to get one with in a few months, but I'm looking to see if there's any i should keep my eye on. So any suggestions?
If you have a good amount of money to spend i would suggest an HP elite, if you have alot of money Alienware. I would suggest staying away from dell. They have a HORRIBLE customer service.
Well... it depends on how much they cost. i will probably have around 1k, maybe up to 2k. I need everything though. Do you mean like this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp ... 8500050002
Wow... Not HP, I have one its just UGHHH!! Talk to Billy and me about jacking it up, Billy can tell you him and I made a pretty cool PC with all these parts hes getting. (For Crysis.) Anyways, Alienware is a n00b response because its just eye candy and you can jack out that kind of performance without all the cool looking stuff, its really expensive. Dell is very good, you can customize, and its a very user-friendly site, also don't get a gaming computer, just a normal computer with some good upgrades. EDIT: Dell has Amazing customer's service, they talked to me for an hour and were very nice, and gave me tons of different options of the coolest yet cheapest computer/laptop for WoW... It could be different for all people though.
I got a Dell a few years back and it crashed. They sent a guy out to my house THREE times and he said each time it was fixed, we ended up just chunking that pos b/c they never fixed it and every time we called we just got transfered around and I got fed up. HP's and Mac's own.
Mac = $ = Phail. (/dance) Dell = Give Or Take = Risky (/slap) HP = Cheap = Meh. (/sleep) Alienware = Expensive = O.O (/drool) You're the one with the money. DO THE RESEARCH! lol Just make a choice, there are tons out there!
is Alienware good? i've never heard of them. right now, i have a mac, but a lot of programs only work on windows, so its really annoying, plus, the parralls program is only 80, but then i need a windows license, which is way too much.
Well, like I said Alienware is really expensive eyecandy, and you can get Wine, or Bootcamp for Mac, and BAM windows and mac in one!
Well, you can get a cracked version of Wine easy. But thats harder to deal with, Bootcap you can just buy at an Apple store, and I am pretty sure that you don't, maybe someone could help me and confirm this? EDIT: Bootcamp, Stupid "M" key...
i mean, i talked to a person at the mac store new me, but they were saying about i'd need a license for the parralls, but those are all basicly the same thing, but some how, they might include the lincense. I'm doubtful though. :nope:
get a dell xps. fast processor and great for RSing with a high connection speed. also pretty good for gaming
Dell, Cust. Service is getting better, but still for the most part they produce CRAP ! HP, is my personal choice, but not the cheap consumer products that you get at a best buy etc. Buy online from HP, and look at the workstations, not desktops. these are higher end Cad stations... built for speed also they typically have 3yr manufactur war. (never buy the store waranty. I like the HP xw4600 (RB430UT) Very nice workstaion, 3 yr on site war. and undr $1500 .
umm yeah talk to me if you wanna know computer stuff dell = bad performance alienware = waaaaaaay overpriced the best way to go is to build your own depending on your budget you should get a 3 ghz wolfdale, a core 2 quad yorkfield or a core 2 extreme (if you really wanna spend money) if you are going into the extreme price range, get two core 2 extremes on a skulltrail motherboard (yeah ask alienware to do that for you ) btw that is only if you want to spend at least $3000-4000 get 2 gigs of ram, 4 if you wanna run vista (which i dont recommend, vista sucks) and a good hdd, if you are going to be gaming, get a wd raptor, they are amazing. you WILL notice a difference between it and a 7.2k hdd, i have one, i know. also if your going to game a little, get an 8800gt. if you are doing ultra intense gaming like crysis, go with a 3870x2 or 9800gtx or 9800gx2. if not then you can get one of the cheap gfx cards like an 8600gt or something like that you will also need a case, psu and motherboard. if you want to use sli then get one of the nvidia 700 series motherboards but if not, definitely go for a x38 motherboard, they are awesome. for a psu, 500watts should be fine if your going for the non gaming stuff, but youre gonna want to go with about 750 - 1000 watts for sli and all that. for the case its really up to you tho, just pick whichever one you like
well unless you are really really good with computers, dell will probably be fine for you tbh. but if you want extreme performance i recommend buying parts from newegg. but just a warning, theres a chance you can break it fi you dont know what youre doing
I agree with Billy, building your own is the way to go. If you are going to play games, get atleast a Nvidia GeForce 8800 gt. They are great. You will need a pretty amazing computer to play future games, since the technology is getting better it will need better equipment to play. -kicks Age of Conan and their intense reqs- Oh and Dell owns Alienware so...?
my buddy once shorted out his mother board by connecting something, i forget what exactly, while the system was hot so #1 rule: turn off your computer and let it fully discharge before attempting to make any modifications it's not to hard to install stuff just go slow and don't force anything...of course you'll have to force the CPU fan, and the drive power plugs but for the most part the less force the better