Debating whether to get a regular xbox 360 or the Xbox 360 Elite... it's an extra $100 but you've got the 120gb HD rather than the 20 gb HD... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what are your thoughts
the $100 is EASILY worth it u'll use up the 20gb in no time trust me get the 120gb u'll be glad you did
I agree. If you have the money, get the elite. The 260's 20gb goes really fast. Though 85% of the time we only play Halo3 on it, so we don't notice it all that much.
Yeah I'll probably get the elite. I looked up the numbers: Xbox 360 Premium w/ 20 gb HDD: $350 Xbox 360 Premium w/ purchase of 120 gb HDD separately: $350 + $170 = $520 Xbox 360 Elite w/ 120 gb HDD: $450 Thanks for all the input.
I got the prmium with 20GB, ive had it since christmas and ive only used around 700MB of space, you would never fill a 120GB
If you play lots of games, the elite for the extra memory. Otherwise get games with the $100...or ya know get a pcc or something.
get the 13373 lol... no seriously you will need all the space you can get and for only 100$ its way worth it.