Well I've started back on neopets, now I've been using the AB'er for no more than an hour each day, many igloo but recently started in the book store aswell as the attic... I've also been using this account for transfer which I have bought here from members, been doing this for about a month... From here I have been transferring items to my new main claiming to be a friend and giving items... I have been on both accounts at the same time with differnt ip as well as having the aber on while on my new main... Should I self freeze the account or what? I have a pcc what I'm buying ATM but unsure how or where I should transfer it... Any input appretiated
Transfer via send to neofriends option, say something like, here's my parting gift pal, see you in school. Or something like that. Then self ice.
wouldnt the self ice look more suspicious, also the account is like 8 years old lol... Im wondering if its really necessary
if the account is 8years old then they may think they have just moved on because they have played it so long.. may have got bored of it?
yeah..i don't think it is necessary too..but seems like i am too late..i would have been happy to buy it from u at a much reduced rate.. should have just let the item "rest" in the account for a month or so..send it via fren transfer and say smth like take good care of this !
aww man..actually IMO, self freezing is kinda giveaway now..i am sure TNT have been around forums and ppl are saying "self-ice yr account to decrease suspision" but self-icing might instead be sticking out like a sore thumb to them.. just my 2cents..