anybody go for new trophies on reset? think ull get them? i didn't go for month im gonna go for a lot though
WOW you did 15 in one month using a SS? That's taking a risk... I went for one... Not telling you what it is But I should get it. Gold too I was trying to get on the highscore for korbats lab, escape from meridell castle etc. but gave up afetr one or two games
meh, i doubt it i had played them before and i had scored clos to the same thing so it should be fine
I've definitely got one gold trophy already. I'm trying to get another one that I might be able to get bronze 2-3.
That's a great idea actually! Ah, there's on game that I would love to have the top score on...maybe two. I wonder if the people who have those outrageous scores on the high score table use anything to get them there. I don't know.... [...] I'm terrible at games therefore I have none legit. Or illegit for that reason. Only the usual, Cheat, Lenny Conundrum, stuff like that. Nothing for games, but I don't really care
Didn't go for any this time, my gaming skills are pretty terrible. I'll have to train a lot if I wanna get them legit...
I'm not a big gamer so I didn't go for any new trophies this time around. Maybe when the SSer starts working again I might try for a couple trophies
I went for 158 trophies Needless to say I expect to get frozen. I didnt really SS for this reason, but with the scores I sent, if I am not frozen, I would have 158 haha
I would have liked to have gotten the Ice Cream Machine one... but other than that I am not too fussed for trophies... except maybe gold in cellblock but that will take ages!
LOL i wanna do that one time i gotta get rid of everything i currently have before i give it a shot though
I got into extreme potato counter but on my second record breaking score they froze me, friggin neopets....
I just submitted Gold for Brunos Backwoods Breakaway, and im working on Gold for Grand Theft Ummagine right now.