disease, appreciate, definite. there are a lot more, but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. oh, and apologize. i always wanna put two p's.
Spelling champ every year 1st grade through 8th. One of my many useless natural talents. :/ If you want to know something funny though - I never had to work at being great at spelling and I naturally acquired and stored a large vocabulary, but I took the test to be in the National Spelling Bee in 9th and I didn't make it because that's a whole different realm. The words they use you could never pick up through normal conversation or reading - Nationals are where the line is drawn between being a natural spelling whiz and studying your arse off, I guess just trying to read and memorize every word in creation. So now every time I see those 10 year olds on TV spelling words like disarcivescovicostantinopolizzare successfully, I feel sorry for them because I know their parents must be total gestapo ball-breakers.
More like memorizing roots/prefixes/suffixes/languages Most of the kids up there have never seen or heard the word that they're spelling.
oh man.. the other day I was watching the Scripps Spelling Bee on television. it's not super hard words like that, but words with hidden g's and ch's and stuff. tricky. >< I'm pretty good at spelling, but when I was in 4th grade, I lost the school spelling bee with the word "promontory" -_- and the winner won with "extraordinary" or something.
I'm also a pretty good speller, but I once read a book about preparation for, for example, the Scripps' National Spelling Bee. Kids (usually immigrant) who learn at least rudimentary Arabic, French, English (duh), Latin, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, etc. for the sake of learning word roots, hence why the language-of-origin question is asked when they do spelling. (And then of course, once they hit 8th grade or 14 years of age they're too old for Scripps'.) The book was called American Bee, if anyone wants to try reading it. (It was written rather humorously. It also proposed an interesting hypothesis...the reverse towel of Babel effect of the Internet.)
Necessary is really the only one I keep having problems with. Sometimes I get EI and IE mixed up too.
I could never write surprize or desiese. XD I fail at spelling alot. ALOTALOT. gotta love firefox's spellcheck. ;D
I'm bad with anonomus? XD I still can't spell it. Anything that has a silent E on the end usually throws me off and every time i write out 'important' I spell it 'importante'. XD My spanglish kicks in.
Well, I have a few words in my own language, which is Danish - but it wouldn't make any sense to write them down here, as you probably wouldn't understand; but what the hell :'D priviligeret which I always spell privilegeret hierarki which I always mix up with hiraki x D anyway, in English: acknowledgment and anniversary is kinda hard for me to remember xD¨