If you had to choose between having a pet with an awesome color but a bad name and having a pet with a not as awesome color but a better name, which would you prefer? I'm trying to decide if I should waste my NP making a custom for some one to get a pet with a good name to retrade. Edit: I'm sorry if I posted something similar to this before.. it's been a huge debate of mine lately and I feel like I might've posted this dilemma here or another forum before. X_X just not sure. PS And I'm now lvl 3 cool!
Have to agree with the above =) I might make a program that goes through a wordlist of single, short, words and see if they are available xD see if i can find some decent one word names that aren't taken xD
Go with a cool name if it's going to be a permanent pet. Work on the color for later since it can be changed. But also i may change a little depending on will it be bd? or.... anything special besides that? Like book award etc?
I'm a huuuge name snob - seriously it is all that matters to me - color/species can always be adjusted and often times if I have a pet in mind I will try to either get a pet that fits the character or create a pet with a name that relates to the pet somehow (in my mind anyway lol)
I also think a pet's name is more important. I normally wouldn't buy pets at all, but I certainly wouldn't buy one if it had a crappy name Like others have already noted, you can always paint the pet again or something. But in my opinion, almost all the converted pets are ugly and I have no clear favorites anymore so I'd rather just keep labbing my pet until I get some combination I like. Plus side to that is I get to choose the name!
The only thing with naming pets now days would have to be sorting through a whole list of names that arent taken.
No, I dont necessarily thing that's true. :tehe: I'm still able to make nice looking pronounceable names. Yeah, you have to be kinda creative but it's definitely feasible. I mean, you're not going to find any names where you'll get hundreds of thousands of results if you search in google... but you can still make, in my opinion, VWN pets.
Name, since name cannot be changed as colour, well as long as you can afford it then of course, repaint or whatever. Unless is something like draik or krawk/uc, I guess specie>name>colour?
Unless is something like draik or krawk/uc, I guess specie>name>colour? I still think Name>Species>Color Cause you cant change name. But if th pet is UC...it changes everything. Cause a UC Grey Kyrie (bad species and color) if probrably better than a UC Grey Lupe (more desired species for converted)
Name! Even if it is UC because I just can't handle having a pet named æjglfjgdhfskrndfdjl___dioglekr¤#"T% xD
Name only. Unless it's a lab pet, I choose what species and colour I want as a long term goal and chose a name depending on that. I'm not a big fan of draiks or krawks since their colours aren't all that interesting, I prefer mutant pets and make the names depending of the characteristics of the look of the end result. The only reason I'd get a draik or krawk were if TNT released invisible as a draik/krawk colour, and I'd chose a name in the styles of "InYourFace" or something similar. I'm not a big fan of "regular names" either. Like composed names that actually sounds like names. I prefer names made up of words that describe the characteristics of the pet, the species and the look.
Name for sure. I could care less what the colour is, as I can always change it, but the name is with the pet forever.
I'm a huge name snob! Like pepople are saying, you can paint/morph whenever you like, but the name remains. Funny enough, my first pet is really BN, but I wouldn't trade him for anything... sentimental value <3
^Same here! I know I could easily get a pet of the same colour with an awesome name, but I can't give him up. x)
name > colour. I feel that the name is so much more important then a colour. As said before, you can paint the pet anything, where as you cant change the name. Plus its easier to trade a good named pet.
If you are planning to keep the pet for a long time, i would agree with all the people above, cool pet name, cool reputation, color, if is really that important, can be changed later on.