I usually do Plushies... I just want to know where you guys do yours? And make some decent profit. ^_^
Depends on your buy speeds and time you use your AB I think, I do stamp and it feels safe-ish and profitable, plushie is too hts for my taste, though plushie would still be on my list of top 10 best shops to ab in.
Pharmacy restock atleast one profitable item per restock(mostly)...So the chances of grabbing it is high..They are pretty ETS.. Magic is best profit wise...Too much competition in my opinion... Stamps is the next best thing after magic...Most stamps are ETS-MTS ..Profit is good lots of UB's.. Spooky foods...Nice shop to profit from... Books...Some ub's are well worth restocking.. No shop is good until you catch a restock!!!
yea Plushies are hts if you get the odd one. But it always takes awhile to restock, but it's easy to get a r90+ in like 2-3 seconds.. Especially in the middle of the night.
Food shop isnt to bad either if your just beginning out but my preference is stamps. If you can find a stamp collector or somebody to buy them then your set.
Sort of this.. not necessarily getting a stamp collector either cause most people who can afford to chuck neopoints at stamps would already have anything you can autobuy unless you get Donna stamp or something and I wouldn't term Donna HTS cause it would be very fun to sell for me Its more about getting in a rhythm for the selling of anything which is why at the end of the day the richest neopians have at some point been resellers, but there is a huge difference between the high end and low end resellers.. I don't even find MP that ets, the draiks and krawks are pretty ets but much of the rest are not imo, on the balance stamp is the most consistent. I change it up quite a bit though so I always have a bit of everything to sell, a little snow foods, a lil pharm a couple MP's sometimes, a large base of stamps and some gambling stuff t-maps and nerks mostly. I like being diverse and it works for me edit: obviously the t-maps and nerks are not restocked [...]
I stick to my Igloo ABER lol ... Not to greedy, its a good enough profit for me XD Off topic: STUPID BUG lol.. EVERY time
For me I usually AB at the stamp shop, good restocks and profit. Haven't been frozen yet there either.
I used to use the slowest crappiest autobuyer so I used to just leave it running in the toy shop. Made me about 100k a day.
Currently I have a newbie account that I made a few days ago, and I'm restocking at Toys, cause it's the only place I can make anything. It's really annoying. Anyways, I've always thought that the Royal Potion store has a great profit potential, but I'm not sure how quickly one gets caught there. I think restocking L.E.V's could be great, but could also result in a quick freeze. Does anyone have any experience with that? My favorites (not including potions) Stamps Magic (high freeze rate though) Toy Books (Booktastic and Normal)
Spooky foods are great. Only for a certain small period of time. They DO have a moderate freeze rate there; Two of my mains got iced there until I figured this one out. So if you have an aged account that you're starting up on, it's nice to AB there for a couple of days, or a week or two, then once you're happy with whatever you made on hand, just switch to something like chocolate, books or toys. Some of the items take awhile to sell, but it's all like that, it's either you be safe with small profits and slow selling time than to make huge profits and leave a trail behind for TNT to catch you.
Yes be very careful with spooky foods. Seems harmless, but an easy freeze. I say TNT definitely keeps a watch on that one just as much as high freezes. Maybe chocolate is good, but small profits. I like Kayla's.
Yep, happened to me last week, in fact. I was frozen after some time in Spooky Foods, not knowing that they freeze people in that shop. Also, I found that it was hard for me to make profits in that shop that were over 50k, so it might not be the best place.
^ I kept getting spoiled holiday neggnogs or something like that, which no one wanted to buy lol even though they're worth like 200-300k. But then I also got quite a few snorkle snouts which sell so quickly and are in demand, so it evened up! Its always best to stick to the lower risk and the ones that aren't associated with having many autobuyers - of course with that comes less profit, but sometimes its worth earning only small amounts compared to a couple of huge profits and then a freeze.