Actually i'm trying to get a faerie krawk which i estimated to be around 4 mil what's the best (cheapest) way to get one?
The cheapest way is to get a random of a potion, and then have a random of the paintbrush. or RS a petpet krawk ( or AB too) or buying a potion. but with abers its very easy to have lots of millions quick
it absolutely depends of what kind of color do you want for your krawk. for example i want a plushie krawk, and it'll cost around 6 or 7 million to get it if i buy the pb and the trans potion, so i thin is better to buyt the petpet and buy the SO MUCH CHEAPER petpet plushie pb
Yeah, it does. So if you want to paint your krawk, I'd reccomend just buying the petpet and then using a petpet paint brush.
mm something that i never known, the petpet grow up as a new pet? or convert the owner pet, and if you dont put a name, what name it will have? o_o
Never though of that...someone should try it and let everyone else know. The name couldn't just be No name.
when you go to the fungus cove, the petpet dissapears and your pet is turned into a krawk and keeps the original name. your petpet can have any name
You have to name your petpet something that no other real pet has, otherwise it won't work when you take it to the fungus caves. And you also have to have room for the krawk, so you can't already have 4 pets.
Exlcuding being extremely lucky and getting one off slothy I think the cheapest way to get a Faerie Krawk, is by painting the petpet faerie and going to the Fungus Cave I think that knocks around a million off the actual price of a faerie paint brush and a krawk trans :?:
This topic is very popular and many Neopet sites have created guides. You can search them up on google.
You should buy the Krawk petpet and paint the colour you like. It's much cheaper. Or you can zap it until it turns Krawk.
omgcat, i don' think that is possible... I haven't heard anyone getting a krawk or draik from the lab...
A few years ago when Krawk transmogrification potions were released, I legitly won an auction for it with 56k dialup connection for 89k. Don't know what prices are now. I can suggest the lab ray like everyone else.