Before when I just did dailies everyday after I got sick and tired of getting frozen for unfair reasons (before I was cheating) I just kept saving all my items and never putting them away or anything. I had over 300 items sitting in my inventory which caused me not to be able to purchase anything until I put them away. So what was the most you ever had?
I cleared out my sdb once and had 200 codestones in my inventory... this was way before they deflated.
I like to keep my inventory nice and organized so the most I've ever had is probably 40 or so, just from buying lots of stuff at once.
Well, lets just say a program had a "major" error and I ended up with like thousands of piles of dung in my inventory... I just froze the acct cuz it was useless
I had a ton of items, probably 250ish I just never organized them and one day I would try to buy something and be like whatever, and I would stock them or put them in my SDB, etc.
i had around 600 once, but that was it. i tried the glitch thing only figuring out i needed like 10000 of them O.O
Think I had a couple hundred in there once. I know they used to disable the "quick stock" option if you had over a certain amount... do they still do that?
One time i emptied my sdb to stock my shop and had about 300-400 in there. I only meant to get out 100.
lol what glitch was that i remeber they had one a while back where you could not withdrawl or deposit money into the bank.. had something to do with buying or sellings items and you still had the money after you bought the item..
I almost always put my expensive items directly into my SDB. It would really suck if I got a random and I was out one 400k+ item. I keep about 20 junk items in my inv. just incase I get such a random before I can put the item into my SDB so that there is less of a chance of it being that item specifically. I also try to keep <45 items in my inv. at any one time to avoid too much confusion and mix ups.
The most i had was about 80+ stuff, when i was trying to get ITTPD avatar using bone scepters and snowballs, it took me a while to get it also, hm
Most for me was when my prices in my shop were all messed up so I cleared out all 340 items and had them sitting in my inventory for a few days.
About 500, actually. I was clearing out my SDB on some account, after getting the avatar. I got bored halfway through and had 1NP sales in the shop.