which new video game console are you planning to buy for the future? it was supoosed to appear xbox 360 lite in the options, i dont know what did i do wrong lol xD any way which are you planning to buy
I'm gonna buy the WII just because I like the new style of games play with the controllers and because you can DL old school nintendo games to it.
look at this guys smashing one http://www.smashmyps3.com they also smash some other expensive stuff at http://www.smashourstuff.com
I really want that PS3 but it's so pricy. I'll probably end up getting it in like 2-3 years when price goes down.
Sadly neither I already have a PS2 and even if I buy one of them with my own money my parents will never let me. I'm happy with the computer though so I don't really need them. :?
I would definitely choose Wii, because to me it's a whole new dimension in games. I've had more than enough of normal console games for now. :wink:
Well to be honest my friend is also getting one next year, and I really can't wait to try it out. Heard gaphics are much better.
I prefer getting the Wii over the PS3 right now. One major factor is the price, and another is that the Wii looks very addicting with how you can involve yourself into the game rather than just sit on the "couch" and stare at the screen.