Was it because you were frozen fairly?Was it because you were unfairly treated by TNT?Is it because you are just lazy or just dont care about your account anymore? Me its all 4 reasons.
I do it because TNT Froze me for the littlest things back in the day, and it is faster to get NP this way. Now if only I can figure out a way to keep my illegit accounts for more than a week and a half...
I AB 'cause it's the best source of income, unless I'm incredibly lucky with the Stock Market. Other than that, I don't do much. I first did it just long enough to get myself the lap maps, but... I've started to really like the start button. Come in at the end of the day, stock and price. Those sell while I buy more. Beautiful cycle.
I do. I use it on any account I play; I don't see the point in transferring and all that. If Neo really wants to get someone, they can just freeze any and all accounts that have activities that link 'em.
why not? most of us, want rare items, want to stay on top of other ppl. just taking higher risks to get there
it makes it more exciting. i never rsed an item worth more than 100k, but ive abed items worth 800k. its a thrill.
I actually am trying to get into legit rsing because i don't want to risk my new main.. got 30mill on it ... actually last night i did pretty well i only used up 100k and got 300k in return... but i missed 5 morphing potions and a stamp worth lots...
I was frozen once unfairly so I used some programs to get back to where my old account was. Now I try to stay legit but I get tempted every once in a while. I have one major goal in neo and it takes a lot of np that I just cant seem to make without Buying a few np, use a program to make some quick cash here and there.
Because it's kinda hard to get few mils in a legit way. So a non-legit way would be good. And , it's kinda frustrated when you tend to lose those UB restock items when u play fairly. I got Rs ban almost everyday without using AB tho.
bots are good... ppl like us, have life? no time or dont want to waste time, on minor things like, waiting for HOURS just to restock? and end up getting nothing?
Hmm... thats a good question... I think it started back in the day when I had dial-up. I tried restocking and playing games, but it was really hard to make any good money that way. Also, I was an avid avvie collecter so I needed big nps to get some of the rarer ones. I heard about AB's, did some researching, and the rest is history. I just like seeing the big money in my shopping till to tell you the truth. Most of the time I just "give back" to the community by giving away free high-priced avvie items. But then again, don't know how much I'm actually helping by doing good with tainted nps. Har har har. Neo is the only site I've ever really did anything non-legit... but I think getting things legit gives you a greater feeling.
Few reasons. 1) Been frozened unfairly more than once. 2) I hate how the TNT say it's a "kids" game, but they only target kids to nag parents to spend money, but in reality, to play the game well, you need to be old enough to understand things and have some brains.
probably 1) get back at TNT for placing a birthday lock on my old legit accounts (two of them) 2) the thrill
Its just so exciting to play unlegit.. and TNT are a bunch of n00bcakes, and froze one too many of my accounts for brain-dead reasons..
Been on a few sites like these in the past xD Seriously, someone just told me to try it out and I did. Now, ABing is just an easy and qyucik way to get the things that I want ^^
Making nps is so boring unless you can restock, which I can't, but now I can...if you know what I mean.
Because TNT is going to ice you whether you play legit or not. I'm sick of spending hours of restocking only to be frozen for something I didn't do.