"Body Worlds is a traveling exhibition of preserved human bodies and body parts that are prepared using a technique called plastination to reveal inner anatomical structures." There are a few of these exhibits going around in major cities that show the public what real bodies look like from the inside. Now, there has been a lot of debate on this topic on if the bodies are actually used with permission from the persons. From what I heard, they used prison inmates and hospital patients from Kyrgyzstan and executed prisoners from China who did not give consent. Here are a few pictures of the exhibits: (warning: these are the real pictures) Pregnant woman with child Man holding his own skin. http://aethlos.com/uploaded_images/body ... 710455.jpg http://english.people.com.cn/200504/28/ ... 28_A65.jpg Well, what do you think? Is it just plain disgusting and gross? Do you believe cadavers shouldn't be used as "art"? And how is it different from human dissection? Or is it the same thing?
I don't think it would make much difference to me whether my body is displayed like that. I mean, I'm dead, I'm done with the body anyway. It was just gonna rot in the ground otherwise, so why not?
Oooh, that sounds cool. I say yeah. Otherwise cremate me. I refuse to be buried. No ones digging up my body, stealing my coffin and no worms are eating me.
I've been to a body world exibition last year for biology, it was cool. There were displays of all of the veins in your body...there were millions of small string like things sticking out all over the place. There were 4 lasies, all at different stages in pregnancy and you could make out the babies at the different stages. There was a camel that was about 9 feet tall and you coul see in its stomach...amazing stuff. The bad thing was we all laughed at the body that was skiing and it was hanging upside down but the penis was still the right way up, defying gravity, lol. As for the original question, wouldn't mind. You're dead and no one would even know who you were, so what's the problem?
Ah, let me rephrase the question. The bodies that the exhibit uses are from inmates and hospital patients that did not give permission to use their bodies. Do you think they should continue their exhibits? And is this respecting the previous owners at all?
if i died i definitely wouldnt want everyone just looking at me..i would just like to be buried the old fashioned way
i went to one of these. it was actually amazing to see them. in all fairness though i dont think i would want me to be displayed. i mean, if it was to cure cancer or summat sure, but for people to look at no tar
no, id rather donate my organs to people in need rather than being filled with fluid and travelled around the world
I say if displaying/researching my body will help pave the way to more advanced medicine or surgical practices, then I'm 100% for it. It's not like I'd have any other dates planned, being dead and whatnot.
God no. I wouldn't be able to look at anothers so i wouldn't force someone else to look at me -shudders-
The thought is sort of disturbing to me as well.. probably because it's not traditional.. but I'm a 'whatever floats your boat' kind of person. I don't know what I want when i die... Maybe because part of me thinks I'm invincable! (sp)
I'm totally with you, I don't believe in the spirit after you die thing, so I don't care what I'm really used for. I figure, if I'm put in a museum, hey that's the most famous I will ever get
Haha.. I guess that's one way of looking at it! The pictures dont really bother me, but I don't think I would volunteer myself for it.