They expire a year from the purchase date...or at least that's what the NM saying hi-you-got-150-free-NeoCash-last-year, it-expired-so-here-are-some-random-items stated.
i had my free 150 neocash for over a year and it never expired yet...weird o.o if neocash expires do the items expire too?
Items have an expiration date; some expire after 180 days but most don't expire. And when your NC expires TNT sends you random (uber crappy :x) items.
yesh it do it wass mentioned in an editorial some time back and I ran off and spent what I had lol. It is lame where many people pay for neocash not so lame for the little bits that can be won or earned but to pay for something that will expires is just rotten!
I hate how Neocash Expires. I had around 300NC which I saved up, and poof, it was gone. In replacement were crappy shite items for my Neohome D:
You got a warning neomail before they did that, didn't you? i'd hope so... I plan on waiting until the very end to spend the free NC I got.