(World War Two/Second World War) I was actually wondering how much people in other countries hear about German's history with Hitler excecuting millions of jews, handicappeds, gay people etc.? Because here in Denmark we hear about it constantly. Whenever we have a history project involving Germany, the killing of the jews in WW2 ALWAYS come up. I mean, we had about it a numerous of times - seriously, at least 10 big assignments about it. And it made me curious if we only hear so much about it because we're a country that's close to Germany, or if other countries also hear about it in school - and just as much? It is a very exciting subject, interesting and frigtening at the same time - so I actually don't mind making assignments about it, people in my school just don't.. because we have had so much about it.
Here in the US were hear about how Hitler came into power. How he killed the jews and some Christians. But nothing about the handicapped and gay people.
Ah, yeah a mistake a lot of people make. Actually it wasn't ONLY jews, yeah it was also jews, but gay people and handicapped, gypsies etc. too O: What he wanted was a "clean race" as he said himself. Tall, blond, blue-eyed men and women (just funny how he wasn't even born German himself )
Funny how he was a complete opposite of a his ideal race. Short, black hair and if Im not mistaken he had brown eyes.
True. Also a thing that annoys me everytime I hear about the "Nordic race"/clean race - whatever. It's really really weird how a thing like this happened, and I visited Auswitz in Poland. Ohmygod, the scariest place on earth D: millions of people were killed there. had a chilling feeling everywhere, and people cried.
It does and it doesn't. Of course, when someone mentions WW2, people instantly think of Hitler and the holocaust - because it was such a significant event it warrants memory. But I don't think that all history classes are "tailored" around this. I remember doing 20th Century History as a subject a while ago, and we studied WW2, but we didn't cover the holocaust.. Of course everyone was talking about studying the holocaust, but it wasn't in the study plan. BUT we did watch Schindler's List - so I guess that's something
Lol, I think we've watched almost every movie about holocaust in school; das leben der anderen, der untergang, schindlers list, sophies choice, the reader (PLUS read the book), the boy in the striped pyjamas, die welle, and I could go on. We seriously work with WW2 in almost EVERY subject =D even danish, english, german, history =o
Stress the significance? You do know that millions of people were killed right? The significance cannot be stressed enough You know - learn from your mistakes so that it doesn't happen again. And I hate how it's only factual D: that's actually pretty sad; since there is so much stuff you can study from ww2 o:
US, Canadian and to a lesser extent UK education systems do tend to glaze over the Nazi execution & mandatory sterilisation of mentally & physically handicapped people and homosexuals. It's possible that this is simply because there weren't as many handicapped/gay people executed as Jews, but it's also very likely that it's because at the time, many US states and Canadian provinces actually had similar legislation, mandating sterilisation of disabled people and the execution of people convicted of homosexual behaviour, as did many European nations. The UK did not sterilise the handicapped at the time, but legislation mandating this was rising through parliament and probably would have been approved if not for the Nazis becoming notorious for it. In short, half of the point of teaching children about WW2 is to demonize the actions of Nazi Germany, which probably wouldn't work out too well if they taught something along the lines of; "And those bastards sterilised the disabled! And did you know they'd KILL you for being gay? Aren't they horrible? I mean, we did it too, in fact, so did most of our allies, but..."
Arkley; wow, are you SERIOUS??? I mean, I didn't really know that other countries did those horrible things, but I mean - this is 2009, and people won't teach children in school what happened in WW2 (just an example, I mean if they wouldn't teach them about this, what other stories wouldn't they tell just because they have a blame themselves?) You have to learn about history, even if you were a villain yourself. That is just crazy. Even in Germany they learn about how they killed the jews, diasbled, etc. - they don't just ignore it and say nothing happened (I do know some people do, but their government believes it happened too)
While I was in school it was somewhat similar because I grew up in Hawaii so whenever WWII was discussed Pearl Harbor was always, I guess a big part of the discussion since the topic itself hit close to home for either the teachers or even people in class. I think the teaching of any topic as far as history goes is really going to depend on where you're at. For instance in middle school and high school a Hawaiian history is a required part of the curriculum whereas I doubt most of the world has ever even heard about how Hawaii became a state in the first place.
I made a project about this in school at the last year. I got a A+ We're not going into the details like in the old days, but our history teacher never stops telling us about it XD In my country there are so many gypsies that I wish Hitler was here to wipe them out They're like everywhere begging, stealing, selling stolen stuff and faking to be handicapped so that they can get the mercy of people. It may be an extreme point of view, but that's how I feel. It's true there are gypsies way smarter than germans and americans, but those exceptions don't clean the other's dirt away. :nope:
That is just a stupid thing to say. Maybe if your country gave them some money or a job or something they wouldn't be like that. We don't have any gypsies and I believe it's because or our welfare system. No one deserves to be treated the way the Nazis treated people.. ever.
You're right. But if they don't deserve to be treated like that, they should be driven away or something. Anyway, it's not just about that. It's true that my country is falling in any way (socially, economically, politically, etc) and a sign of that are these gypsies that are becoming a common sight. Really, If I was a gypsy and encountered someone with my opinion, I would just prove him wrong and work hard, not do crappy stuff like the others. Pic in spoiler : Spoiler 2 women, probably thinking how to scam or steal money or goods Oh, forgot to add something. There are 2 types of gypsy in my country. Those who I mentioned in my above posts and another kind that is exactly 180 degrees opposite. They are commonly very rich and usually they got palaces (not houses or villas) Pic in spoiler : Spoiler
Fasty; I cannot help but thinking that you sound exactly the same as the Nazis. Making them subhumans. You can put people in a box like that. It's all I'm gonna say about that matter since it's very off-topic.
I'm not making them subhumans. I feel no hate towards them. They are human too but I can't stand them. All dirty and smelly or if not that, all-mighty with their stolen goods which they build palaces... The difference between me and a Nazi is that I don't act. It's just the way I feel and I normally avoid them. I can strengthen my opinion with more arguments but as you say...it's very off-topic so I won't insist on it. Overall, I AM A BAD EXAMPLE and I know that though is not my fault that some factors made me think and feel like this. I can suppress and resist any dark thoughts that come to my mind but I can't deny and lie myself or the others how I feel.
I really don't think you're like that nazis, you know that it's just that it's the kinda thinking that started the whole thing - I'm just trying to say that there's a reason thatt they're like that, like for examples some countries not taking care of them. We also have fugetives from other countries in ours (quite a lot in fact) that our society helps a lot and we spend much money on them - therefore some people here "hate" them because they feel like they're just taking advantage of our resources - it's understandable since we pay around 60-70% of our saleries to the country for our welfare system - but you just have to look at it from all the perspectives and not just that they're these lazy, annoying people. People aren't like that from birth, there is a reason End of story and yeah, I get your points. It's just dangerous to say things like that as people may get you wrong ya know
If there weren't any Nazi's, Freja, there would NOT be a Nazi zombie killing mode on CoD:WaW. And that would be awful