Xbox 360 - The Red Rings of Death!

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by rusting, Sep 25, 2007.

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  1. rusting

    rusting Level I

    Feb 12, 2007
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    For all you Xbox 360 owners.
    Have you ever gotten the red rings of death? My Xbox 360 had a near death experience earlier today.
    I was playing the demo for the game DiRT (I suck at it by the way) and then it happened - the power went out briefly and flashed back on.
    It flashed the red lights and then turned off. I knew I was in trouble. I rushed over to my Xbox and turned it back on. It said there were no profiles found when I turned it on.
    The controller didn't want to connect either. For 2 hours I paced around worried about my data. It had been erased and I didn't know what to do. All the progress was lost. I was thinking of just selling the games and getting it repaired and selling the system because it didn't have a point anymore. I unplugged all the wires in the back and put them back in just for a desperate chance it may make the controller connect again or something. I turned it on and I was still behind it messing with the wires. I heard that sound it makes when it signs in and I was so happy =) All my data is back and I don't have to go through sending my system back to Microsoft!
    Have you ever encountered the red rings of death?
    What do you think Microsoft should do about it? I was thinking about a simple recall.
  2. junkant

    junkant Level III

    Aug 19, 2007
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    My brothers 360 got the red ring of death the other day.
    He has to ship it to them, and he says they added 3 years of warranty to the 360.
    They are recalling them once you get the ring ^_^
  3. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    I got the RoD on my xbox360.
    unfortunately, the warranty was only 1 year back then. I was among the first to receive the xbox and it was quite buggy. Since my warranty was over, I manage to get it back working using the heat gun trick (search on youtube). Now, my xbox is always running without the casing and I added an extra fan for the gpu. I can now play 72 hours in a row if I want with no problem at all :tehe:
  4. fabmxer

    fabmxer Level I

    Oct 1, 2007
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    We were having a Halo 2 party , and my friend just bought a Brand New 360 , he brought it over and someone turned it on UPSIDE DOWN. The red lights were flashing like crazy we were so scared, then after like 5 minutes of trying it , it just worked. I'm pretty sure it has a sensor for that though.
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