I've asked Lighting but he's slow in replying <3 I was wondering if you could create a website which has a "log in feature". Those who log in, can post stuff on certain things..? This is so hard to explain xD So basically I have to do this project where I have to design lessons for students. ( I teach English as a foreign language at adult education - still a trainee though) I would like to let the students make a magazine, I thought it would be fun if they could go to a website, upload for example an article they wrote, so I can correct it. However, this shouldn't be seen by the others and only by him, me and his group members (if the student is a guy) basically something that allows to upload word documents + film material + pictures etc. But you do have the option to share it with the other members. Please do say you understand what I mean xD If you don't I would feel sad no just ask me what you don't understand and I will try to make myself a bit understandable.