I'm sitting on one with 5000 items, but I think the person that made the list just took lists from all the other shops and stuck them together. 107KB large, and the list is incredibly unreliable. Over 14 restocks, and I've gained two items. I'm willing to share the list if anyone is really wanting it, but it wouldn't be too useful in my opinion.
These programs will help (you only need to buy one, any one): downloads.php?d=70 downloads.php?d=71 Run to remove the duplicates.
http://laserwave.freehostia.com/dedupe.php No need for the duplicates. My problem is that I apparently do not have enough items in the list, because... it's not grabbing things most of the time.
No, if it's that huge, then the more likely reason is that it's so large that it takes longer time to run through the list and therefore cannot buy the items quickly enough.
Wouldn't a large list be a good thing, considering how many items the Igloo can potentially stock? Because, with a short list, it does not grab much.
Much isn't better... you have to take a look at the profit... i don't want to buy items for 300 NP and sell them for 350 NP... 300NP buy and sell above 10k NP... that's fine... and there aren't that much item with such a big profit...
Well, as long as the list is priority-ordered, it wouldn't matter too much. Then again, most lists aren't priority-ordered...
My priority is getting atleast one item per restock. But.... Nope. :\ I get items, eventually. Fantastic profit. I'm just... impatient.
It seems pretty useless to me. The igloo doesn't restock every item in existence, just a large general selection of one. The best igloo lists have the most profitable items, are priority ordered, and contain only items that actually stock there. It's useless to have a giant all-shops-list-in-one because a vast majority of the items on that list will never restock. I've used a 131kb list before, and I've found it much more profitable to use my other 25kb one.
What you want to do is the remove the items that only make like 3k profit, my rule of thumb for the igloo list is to remove those under 3k ones. if you do that, you should not get a long list
That'll take a bit, but I suppose that's the best option. Slower items but better profit does seem to be the best option.
Which kind of items usually restock then? Chocolates, toys, bakery? Cause the list I got have things like dolls, snowglobes, books.. those seem to be very profitable but I dunno if they really restock at the igloo.
Loads of items restock there: foods, books, toys, etc Pretty much everything can be bought in the igloo.
I've been building my own list lately, built between my own sales and a friend's. These items are confirmed Igloo sellers, and the prices are for what we've sold them for. AKA:Reliable, and growing each day. Spoiler [10000+] Bag of Peanuts Draik Guard Stamp Mutant Chia Gnome Chocolate Techo Biscuit [9500] Strawberry Tuskaninny Lolly [8000] Caramel Dipped Skeith Wings Honey Blossom Extract Sour Lemon Lolly Baby Usul Plushie [7000] A Flotsam Christmas Tchea Fruit Pastry Roast Chestnut Pie Korbat Meringue Alphabet [6000] Holiday Activity Book Chocolate Kiko Cake Baby Wocky Plushie Chocolate Draik Biscuit Asparatastic Crunch Valentines Chocolate Selection A Flotsam Christmas Frozen Jam Sandwich [5000] Darigan Muffin Chocolate Poogle Lolly Chocolate Lupe Ice Cream [4000] Lu Codestone [3000] Budget Shopping Guide ARRRR! A Pirate Scorchios Tale [2000] Cooking For Skeiths Stripe, the Strange Skeith Haunted Mynci Blackberry Chia Pop Best Tooth Catalogue Gallion Curtains I've ordered them by how much they sell for. Or, in other words, by priority.
Ohh.. it really seems that the most profitable items ( that cost like over 1 mil ) don't restock in the igloo. Then the list I got were just an illusion. lol
This is, by no means, all the expensive items that sell in the igloo. Every day I add to my personal list, and I guess (So long as this post remains out of the grave) I'll update every now and then.
except that's a general "everything." Not every ITEM stocks in the igloo, but items of neearly every TYPE stocks. But I'm like 99.9999% sure a morphing potion has NEVER stocked. Most profitable would be pinatas and snorkle snouts.
I wouldn't put it past them to have an MP. It's just that with morphing potions being like 4% of any available items, the chances of getting one to stock would be fairly low. I think anything "Very rare" and down will stock.
Im pretty sure items over r90 dont stock in the igloo, thats why no multi million np items are ever grabbed. However all of the codestones and bottled faeries stock, so they should be added to your lists. and pinatas, snorkle snouts etc...If you would like I can give you the list I use, which gets me about 150k-200k a day.
I've made several topics on several forums, and no one has ever posted that they've missed, bought, seen, or even heard of MPs restocking, ever. The igloo has a specific, set list of items that restock in there. These items and these items only are the ones which restock.