What was your lamest christmas present? Or just a present somebody gave you but you didn't want to hurt their feelings and said it was awesome. :arrow: I'd like to hear that I'm not the only one recieving lame presents each year. Which one was your worst one yet? :]
My grandmother always seems to send us..odd things and boring things. Like, she'll send you some really messy scarfs (things falling off everywhere) that smells like it was sitting in her basement for 40 years or something. And sometimes my aunt will send us little cheap things like...a little plastic purse that comes with cheap chapstick..or something you would send to a 6 year old.
My aunt... bless her, but she has the mind of a child... I was 15, she sent me a "VCR" tape of "See Spot Run"... *sigh* and when I was 20, she sent me a flashlight.
a flashlight? lol - did she at least send you batteries to go along with it? My aunt has sent me art before. She has two young boys, and you know kids are always doing drawings and artwork and stuff in school...so one year she sent me some of their artwork. ... Nice and all but I really don't care to have some drawing from a kid, their not my kids so its not like I'm going to put them up on my fridge or something. I'd rather her send me nothing.
Haha, yes they had batteries, but I have a very strong feeling that the flashlight/batteries were used lol. She never really "grew up" she refuses to realize her age, always wants to stay "young"
Lol I remember when I was younger and my aunt sent me a set of wooden kitchen/cooking spoons. Ya know, the kind of spoons you use when you're mixing stuff on the stove or something. I guess she figured that since I'm a girl, I had to learn to cook or something. I'm 19 now and still can't cook x.X My mom uses them though~
LMGDAO were they like try it on we want to see if it fits? ------- Not really a present but Last x-mas I went to my dads house to put an effort into getting to know him or even being around him. Well after being there for about 1/2 hour talking with my half-sisters and shit he decides that he wants to get into a fist fight with me so we ended up throwing down in the front yard cuz he is a drunken bastard. I don't know if that really counts but if that doesn't about about the 24 years of my life never getting a present from him or even a phone call.
My friend's mother had made this sweater for me... it was disgusting and there was no way I was going to wear it. It was still thoughtful, considering the woman is in no way related to me... and I rarely get gifts from those who aren't. But still, revolting sweater.
Over the years I've gotten wuite a few of crappy presents but the wort I'd say is, an empty CD case. My friend got it for me, and said that I'd have an extra if I ever needed one :shock:
My stupid aunt gave me GIRL! Skateboarding jeans, and my mom made me try them on and they well.....were tight lets end it at that . they hurt like h311 also lol
I like See Spot Run, lol, and I'm 21. Maybe I'm just a dork though. My family usually gives me money or gift cards so I guess I'm lucky in that. I'll see tomorrow though when I get presents from my bf's family. :?