So i've been quite curious where you guys are ABing these days. I've been at spooky food for a day or so, and I already made about 700k. Although some things take awhile to sell but I bump the price down quite abit in my shop. I also want to know, are toys often profitable? If anyone restocks there would let me know that's great I noticed that the faerie dolls are worth alot but i'm guessing they don't stock often? Same as the UB items. Do they stock often? Also is toy shop one of the shops TNT have strong watch over like magic and battle?
I personally like stamp Just restarted bout a week ago and i've made nearly 3.5 million off that shop already! I usually stay in stamp since you get atleast one stamp worth 50k every restock but i've found toy and food to be quite profitable too. Of course, it takes a couple hours for the stamps to sell but still worth it in the end.
thats not true there isn't that much heat there. i been abing stamp fo soo long and never got frozen from there.
I've been ABing in Stamp, Shells, and Booktastic lately. I really like Booktastic, there are some good ones and it gets a fair amount of items. Stamp is pretty good, great profit but my ABer misses stamps pretty often. I AB in Shell because it does get a lot of items, and they seem to sell fairly easily.
AU is the best AB i've seen out there yet. Then again I don't have Ricky's so I can't judge upon that.
I use AU too and it's amazing Well worth it in the long run. Cant say anything bout ricky's since i dont have it
Ricky's is great too, a bargain at 1.8 mil np. It may not be as fast as AU, but its really safe. I use it on my main. Yesterday I abed a stamp worth like 700k with it.
Ricky's is for people with a nice legit account set-up and doesn't want to be frozen AU is for people just wanting to make some quick NP to sell or show off That's how I view them anyways
I've only been using the igloo AB but I'm close to finishing my own 15k list. I hope to get ricky's or AU soon though. The extra profit would be amazing.
as long as you're buy times are more than 2.5-3 seconds you probably wont get iced. tnt cant trace abers from the actual program running, they trace abers from buy times they get. i used to restock legitly and would get items in under 2 seconds and would get iced quite a bit. then i tried abing and setting time to wait before completing restock to like 2-3 seconds and would have like 3,5 sec buy times and never got iced once. if an aber buys an item in 1 sec they obviously know you used a program.
I've been wondering. Can you run both Igloo and Main Shop AB at the same time with AU? Would it be wise to do so?
If AU uses the same refresh times for all shops I don't see why this would be a problem. You would just have to make sure you don't get shop banned for having too low of a refresh time (1-2 seconds like on the igloo ab).