Zac Efron

Discussion in 'World of SPAM' started by noncheatercheater, Aug 14, 2007.

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  1. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Ok, I have to get this out..

    I frikken HATE Zac Efron. I don't know why, but he bugs the crap out of me. I saw him when he was on Summerland, and he wasn't that good of an actor.. Now he's being blown out of proportion. And you know what? I really REALLY DOUBT that's him even singing in High School Musical.

    I'm 21 years old. But back in the day, I used to be into all the teeny bopper crap. I loved JTT and all the bands and stuff.. This kid is trying to be another Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Yeah, right..

    Does anyone else dislike him as much as I do?!
  2. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    I really am not a fan of disney or anything associated with it so by default I dislike the person. I have never seen High School Musical and am very annoyed with how people say, oh its so great. I have seen the previews and I am not a fan. They just recycle and keep making these "boy" clones. No, I do not like Zac Efron but not for personal reasons because i don't know that person but because of the folks this person is working for.
  3. imhappytodayo0

    imhappytodayo0 Level III

    Jun 8, 2007
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    I don't give a damn about this Zac Efron boy :D
    I won't waste my time hating someone that I even know personally,and doesn't have anything to do with my life hehe
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