Separate names with a comma.
Looks like a trailer for some sort of horror movie. Seems quite interesting too bad i stopped watching after the 3rd one.
I started playing when i was like 7, now im 15. Haha just recently i got my 8 year old main and 6 and a half year old side main frozen. Im still...
Define what you mean by "Online capabilities". And I never really liked pokemon, they just kept making new games with little difference other than a...
Yeahh im pretty sure im not gonna get answers by tomorrow but oh well. Give me some questions and answers about this...
Ummm ... Wow thats disturbing. The picture scares me.
People say the Large Hadron Collider (LCH) is going to create dark holes and the worlds going to end on October 21 2008. But i dont believe either,...
Or you could go to "" much less work.
Wow ... level 10 and 173 deaths now i dont think this is possible.
Its pretty hard to decide, But Id say love well that is unless like you said its a person that lives in a cardboard box.
This topic actually doesnt apply to me considering im not american, BUT if i was id vote Obama.
Yeahh id probably say Evolution but thats probably because schools brainwash you with evolution and the fact that ive never actually read the bible.
Its mostly our fault with all the pollution and so on. Not very many things in nature if any contribute to global warming. We probably cant actually...
Mines probably Simpson's. Is naruto really considered a "Cartoon".
Yeah they aren't bad but I probably wouldn't buy a CD or anything like that.