Separate names with a comma.
I found this game to play in my spare time. You ceate a character and basically, you battle random people in random sequences. You can join under...
I think the Lakers will get it this year. They lost to Boston and now they're out for revenge!!
I've never heard of the game before... Is it community for the game big? If so, I might join...
I'm from the LA area and the fires, I think, are affecting everyone. When I was outside at night, the air was really dark and seemed kind of smoggy....
I would say the PAC10 has some pretty good teams. Just look at USC! They're dominating!
I haven't even heard of this movie... Was it released in the US?
Re: Neopet's Nooby Restrictions I don't know... Putting an age restriction for access of a site tempts lots of kids to lie about their age. So are...
Thank for all the info Icegoten! Dang, I didn't know that it would take so much time to level up to 200. I mean, it's meant for kids right? Even...
I feel that having experience in dating others lets yourself know what you're looking for in a person. If you're stuck with only one person, you'll...
Where do you place your bets with? Is it with your friends or with a site?
I've played a few minutes before being kicked out. I don't know what's happening either.
drdd, what level is your character? Also, may I ask how long it took to train it? I'm wondering because I'm considering playing it but if it takes...
Dude the Lakers are 6-0. Last time they did that, they won the Finals. Predictions anyone?
I've never heard of it. What kind of genre does the game fall under?