Separate names with a comma.
Where on earth would they put the cardboard o_0 Imagine sitting on seats of cardboard xP
That shows called 'The Real Hustle'. Quite cool, but anyone who watches it won't get conned in that way xP
Got to be Majora's Mask :P With it's square facedness :*
Haven't seen the film yet. Sounds quite good though ^.^ Also looking forward to the book :o
Many of the 'giant' bones are mistaken identity. Most likely from another primate. Although before now, a dinosaur bone has been identified...
Original. Although i prefer NCIS ;P
Computer. I barely watch television anyway :P
A stroke of genius. Using a su-doku solver to solve roodoku :P Why didn't I think of that :oops:
If God interferred with our lives in this kind of way. It defeats the purpose of free will....
Depends whethere the PS3 will get Sony Live or something resembling Xbox Live....
If god created them. Yes. If they were born via evolution. Yes. If they didn't exist. Well, no then I guess :lol:
Most expensive film ever or something like that wasn't it?
Without compassion there would be more suffering...
I believe that we all have to believe in something. It is human nature. Atheists believe in Science. Theists believe in god. In my opinion i...