Separate names with a comma.
EDIT: This was a double post, can a mod delete this for me?
You can look at the guide in my siggy if you want complete information, but basically Neo is clearing their servers and deleting old accounts,...
I fully agree with this ^__^ hehe. We need a whole slew of purging programs :yup:
Actor: Johnny Depp, by far. Actress: I'm not sure why, but I love Rachel Bilson. I just think she's great. And I loved the OC xD
Harry Potter 7, Part One. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself :)
My Sister's Keeper. So sad. =(
Its quite a controversial issue. But the way I see it is that you can have an abortion. After all, its your body and your choice. Maybe you are too...
If it wasn't available then that means the pet hadn't purged yet, am I right? Then the program is working fine. I don't know what else you mean by...
I'm sure someone has done it on here too without its release as discussed above. I haven't seen the -removed- one but I'm guessing someone on here...
I mean, I can't really "suggest" to you what you're good at. If there's something you like to either on neofriends or neopets and it hasn't been...
There are a lot of things you could do to contribute. Maybe write a helpful guide for others on something that you're good at? As long as it hasn't...
Hmm. Just a quick question, but does anyone know of a good GM scoresender? I know of the avatar one (currently using that) but its a pain to do it...
Really, really nice guide. Thanks for all of your time and effort ! I only wish there was some way to speed up the process illegitly :)
Those aren't even recognizable o_O