Separate names with a comma.
Thanks, my friend has a couple I didn't see on there, I'll post them when she comes online 8)
I love it but since I'm in England, we are like 10 episodes behind the Americans :( I'd download if I had any room left :shock:
I like some of their old stuff and some of their new, but I have a few friends who are hardxcore into their old stuff and constantly bash the new...
Just looking at the code, and forgive me if i'm wrong, but do you need a ? on the end of play_dicearoo.phtml Otherwise surely it's trying to...
Highly inadvisable to pay for an essay anywhere just in case you DO get caught. Think about it, if you can buy an essay and someone becomes...
My mum worked for a while in a chinese kitchen and rats are the least of your problems! How do you know that fried chicken isn't actually rabbit?...
I listen to kerrang radio a lot when I don't want to keep changing the song myself, and I like hearing new stuff. What do you listen to, if...
I love Rise Against, and Billy Talent. They're both amazing, I've had Billy Talent's new song on repeat for aaages! :D
At the moment, my fave TV show would probably be Prison Break, but it's so annoying to watch on TV because we are about 10 episodes behind the...
Death Note rules!! You can watch the episodes on Youtube, but there are only 15 or something for now :( It's so annoying waiting for the rest of the...
I know a whole bunch of girls who would think that was rather funny, so I reckon best sense of humour card too! Brilliant idea as well lol :shock:
It's definitely time someone brought up the fact that these models are encouraging young girls and guys to become unhealthily skinny. I couldn't say...
All my college friends say pooned, but I say owned, cos thats really what it is.
Poor kitty, reminds me of my mum trying to get my little brother to have a bath lmao