Separate names with a comma.
In Christianity, it's your job to spread the word of God to others. Not telling others about the word of God, when you're presented with the chance...
Most of the people who say no are religious. Those who say nothing about homosexuals being mentioned in the Bible are wrong. There are at least two...
There are no holes in the belief of God. If you've read the Bible, you'll understand why He lets us do what we want. It's something called free will....
I've always believed in God & not evolution. The theory of evolution just has too many unexplainable things that science can only answer with...
I don't think you're born with it. I believe it has to do with the way you grew up and what happened in your childhood. So, for example, the more...
Faerie Bubbles is easy enough. Why would you need to cheat at it? o.o
It's not laggy for me at all. The only thing that bugs me is the white pages but that happens everywhere.
I prefer the new version. Everything just looks alot better and it has more features. The old one was plain and boring.
I like what this person said. Though I wish everything wasn't so automatic. People have become fat and lazy and are always wanting something to be...
People have been able to prove science wrong, no one has been able to prove anything in the Bible wrong. Referring to what you said about what I said...
Both sides don't win. The debate will never end either. Anyways, why trust what scientists say? I believe it was scientists who said that the world...
I have a few that I can't decide between. Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away - So Cold Disturbed - Down with the Sickness Evanescence -...
I think it's horrible. I watched one episode and turned the TV off. It's just poorly done in my opinion.
It's Saddam Hussein and I believe I voted for life in prison. No one has the right to take the life of another.
I just use an alarm clock to tell me when it's been 2 hours. Then I go switch out the accounts and start over again. An automatic function for this...