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YOU MUST GET DOODLE JUMP AND ANGRY BIRDS!!! those 2 games are awseome :D
ahah, i had people that were waiting for hours queing up to get Black Opps.. and the local supermarket got in soo many and people never went there...
wow you have a lot :O all i have is 1 ps3 with about 6 games and thats it you spend too much money on games dude :(
wow what a noob he is lol people have to cheat too look good.. i was an amazing no scoper/quickscoper on MW with the first sniper with acog.....
If you get cash, i think this referall system would be good. you will just have to make sure that no one makes loadsa dud accounts :O
yea i knoww.. i seen someone with like 50 kill streak sniper montage and it changes levels and everything lol.. anyone can doo that over levels :P
lol i love it when they try to do this and fail horribly :P
This could be a good idea.. but get rewarded cash or something? however i can see people would make fake accounts to get referalls.
Lol... ahah yea it is more team work.. like on modern warfare 2 people just played for their selfs not for their teams.. specially on hardcore...
If your from England, just watch hit 40 UK.. all the latest tunes on there :)
You certainly got the helicopter part right.. its soo easy to get shot out the sky if they have and AA gun. takes you down soo easy... and even more...
Really i never neww they advertised in BC2.. yea i know that the graphics were not that good. But there were no campers on it lol. Cause on BC2 you...
ahha.. i totally agree there... They have released call of duty 4, WaW and MW2 too fast.. if they released them slower and focused on quality and...
hmmm this is the only thing that would make me wanna buy it.. i heard that the game play is over hyped.. not as good as people expected.. ive been...
I think this would be better i guess as it would stop people spamming, but new honest members might not be happy with this new way