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i can never get proxies to work T.T do u think it's okay if i just transfer & freeze?
but still, that was pretty useful ^^ im gonna go to the dump! (not the furniture store though)
is score sender a program that play s all the games for u?
Re: [GUIDE] Cheating on Dubloon Disaster you have to have some experience with cheat engine or else this will be quite confusing >.<
i'm not biased towards any genre, yet it terms of musical talent i'm gonna go with..... wow i cant think of any
A baby has been born in Orange County, California, weighing 14 pounds and two ounces (6.410 kg), double the weight of the average newborn. Doctors...
@Cheeto i find that funny how you bring up modern tech, cause now they teach old people how to play the wii at senior centers ^^
wait u mean as of like work like... jobs or work like.... physical work. like choppin up some firewood
i think it's a good idea, but the time period between should be long Please don't gravedig, this topic has been inactive for months - Commy
I think the problem isn't power itself, but the person's personality. Arrogance and Cockyness(SP ?) will lead the person to become corrupt. So it's...
Age is only a huge factor in the early years of one's life, say from highschool ----> after college. if one person is in college and one is in high...
never!!! people of all ages are able to enjoy candy. but in reality, i dont think i would want to anyway. just work for a lil and go buy candy hahh