Separate names with a comma.
Problem with your pvp strategies is none of you play legit, so your not really seeing the game as its supposed to be balance wise. Anyway, with my...
I would suggest all of those EXCEPT Bioshock, if your scared of those games earlier believe me you wont handle Bioshock.
I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the list maker. It watches for the items that restock in the given shop and compares them to the wiz price?
Fact: Yankees go all the way for the World Series Title. Although I'm sad to say it, still bitter about the last couple years with detroit :/ Fact...
The Silent Hill series is great stuff. Fear is a pretty good game for PC if you like scary stuff, along with doom 3, you cant see anything before...
Nice guide, I'm having trouble getting my proxy to work though. :(
I played on a public pvp server, had full t4 after tbc, and 5/8 t3 pre-tbc. Then i quit lol, anyway, I had insane healing over 1700 on my druid....
I love family guy, watch it all the time.
Diablo 1 is old school, I had it for the PSX and PC and was a great game although like booboo said its graphics arnt the best(it is very old)....
Halloween day.
if you like rpgs, try star ocean or any of the Final Fantasy series.
Its not really a true mmo, unless you consider diablo a mmo. Its very very similar to diablo, at release you will be able to play for free but have...
I havn't played much of black pawkeet slots. Scorchy slots back when i started first playing netted me a few hundred k over a few days. Between...
rofl actually, I've done something similar to this except I was eating a peice of chicken. Something grabbed my attention and next thing I knew I...
Could you make a program to play scorchy slots? Long enough runs I'm sure would net you quite a few faeries and map peices. Just not sure if it...