You're probably right about TNT is off during the're can pay them a visit if you are living in the Los Angeles area, California. But here is something to wonder. They have millions of players visited the website daily... and who know how many on at peak hours. Even if let say 500 staffs monitoring the site, will they be able to catch every cheaters? You're abing today...and a week later...your account is frozen. Chain frozen. How about this? Go onto a guild or chat board. Type the word suicide and you will know your answer
helps** sorry about that... oh and whoever said about using the same computer read this question answered by TNT in the newest neopian times There are people on the message boards who say that your account will be frozen if more then one person uses the same IP address for their main account. Is this true? ~sweetanniehi We can't even begin to explain how ridiculous that rumour is. We know families, schools, and even libraries have plenty of people who play Neopets on the same computer and there are plenty of those without IP addresses exclusive to their household. There are even IP addresses that are shared with thousands of people! This rumour is completely false.
cool This is very useful! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! It is especially helpful to newbies like myself. Since my account recently got iced im starting over and trying everyhting I can!
this is a great guide. I plan to use an AB on a different computer and a different side account w/ a different email. But the question is this: Our laptops have a wireless network that can detect different services, but if i use the same network name, can my main account be affected?
i have a quick question, when trying to transfer items abed...or anything for that matter...what is the best method to do it...i mean...i see nf auctions that go for 1np all the time...if items are transferred like that...would i be chain iced?
Thanks! One question though. What happens if my side account was signed up on the same IP? Can I still use a proxy?
Thanks for the tips I also have the same question as woooot though. I made my side account without using a proxy, so should I create another account, or just log onto the side each time using a proxy?
Personally I find the whole proxys thing toally annoying. Because even if you do hide your own ip, someone else would be using that exact IP and if they screw up and tnt tries ip freezing, your going down. Truly, there really is NO way you cant be completely safe from being frozen, but these tips really help alot. Nice guide and keep it up =).