Separate names with a comma.
ACDC-anything except the newest album "black ice" (although Rock and Roll train kicks ***) Led Zepplin Aerosmith Black Sabbath Ozzy osbourne-was with...
yes LOTR is definetly a war movie, the battle in ROTK was amazing.....if i didn't read the book Aragorn going to get the ghosts would have made no...
yeah I was just considering how much that would deflate the economy......
So having all those botters makes them more money! but then why do they ice them? more money is more staff members, making more content, getting more...
I like MIA, Chuck Norris is teh bomb.
I got a 9 once, it was the only time in 3 years I have gotten anything higher than a four XD Although I got a haloween paintbrush on my first try at...
I KNEW IT!!!!!! neopets is making us refresh!!!! man they are getting greedy.
.62 isn't very stable atm i don't think it even has a localhost........ .57 was stable but it was dropped almost as quickly as it started, I have a...
Meh Rock bands: ACDC Deep purple Queen Mettalica (more metal than rock) Guns and Roses If I think of more I will tell you=) P.S. The above list can...
The octo mom has a website for donations, she was on oprah and Doctor Phil, and is now getting a home from an agency. Not only does she not deserve...
I was 9.4 and my cousin was 10.3.......My grandmas uncle was 16 pounds, He ended up being around average height and weight.
Well maybe not the PS community but some other games have memberships over 13m =) I really wish the Private Servers could compete and then take out...
I used to play WoC hahahahaaha XD Is it just me or does the PS population seem to be gaining on the retail?
Nice guide I have been looking for a way to beat them fooooooooooooooooreeeeeevur!
some PS even have their own custom content and instances.....
I used to play Brawl competitively but stopped after people started using Pit more than the rest of the characters my mains are good against=)...
whooopsies my bad that is his insurance he took out......I knew he had 100m of somthing >.< Darn my teenage attention span.
worth doesn't measure how good you are my friend.....DB is like 110m (or somthing ridiculous like that) and all he has got is a kick that is executed...
I was hoping for a game like H3.......but Bungie didn't deliver, RTS isn't meant for the XBOX they are comp games till the end. I played it at a...
Yup Mootix is around 3.5m, most of the others are lucky to reach 100k lol