Separate names with a comma.
Exactly, or we could just create other planets, maybe not by cloning, but by some REALLY smart people....
For me, I don't need anymore room than 1000 songs. By the time I listen to them, I'm tired of them and just replace them. Nanos are for the people...
Yes, and as the population increases, so will the need for more space. Therefore, we will probably also colinate other planets, as we will have...
Yeah, I saw that, I'd be surprised if he played again this it's gonna hurt when he cracks his neck :shock:
I've been playing for about a week, but it's pretty easy to grasp. My favorite aspects...well, I like the avatars, but the community is mostly...
I played 2000 on my grandpa's computer, but they only had a few planes. 2004 has like...20 planes and 2 choppers. Oh, and you can fly out of...
We will have hovercrafts. For example, in 1904 the Wright Brothers were the first humans (that we know of) to fly in the air. On April 9th, 2004,...
Well, in a recent pole in Men's Fitness magazine, The most desirable female body type, 72% like women that are Trim and Toned, while only 2% for...
It would all depend on the situation. If you saw some guy rape a girl, then YES, be honest. If some killer asked you if you were alone, YES,...
Well, the Video is nice for...well...videos... But for price wise, I would choose the Nano, after all, that's what I bought. :P
Superman duh lol. He's the classical SUPERHERO! Plus he's got that awesome vision and I bet he could beat the Hulk in an arm-wrestle :shock:
Absolutely! That's one of the problems with America. We are too infocued with the 'morals' of things rather than advancing ourselves! There's all...
Anyone play it? I like it, although I don't care for the helicoptor. The newer version of MFS, in my opinion, suck. They just don't seem to have...
I TOTALLY agree! The controls and gameplay are PERFECTO in F.F.7
Oh, sorry, my bad. @ Mods - You can either delete it or move it, whatever's easier for you.
I play both Neopets and Gaia Online, which do you think is better? I'm playing Neopets basically to get the NPs and exchange them for Gaia Gold ;)...