Separate names with a comma. me and a few other people have taken the time to get all the right answers up and here they are...
good guide + rep for you.
what can you get at the dump anyway? i have not seen any list.
can't you just make it hit everywhere other then the links off the site?
happy gilmore.
cool i was wondering if this could be done i don't think it would have too high of a ice rate.
im a fan i just started watching it on tv.
well no#1 just make one topic for all of your idea's no#2 it's not right to take np from noobs how would you like it if when you just joined someone...
great guide.
i think it can be done it's not a bad idea.
good idea but it's risky to use.
is it doable to make a grabber that gets the item avatars too by going and buying them and using them if you have the neopoints out?
now this is a great idea.
i think the smoking ban is the best idea in a while my dad smokes so i know how bad it can be. if you smoke you need to stay away from other people...
they need to make it so if you kill someone you have to pay at least 50 yrs in jail 20 yrs is not right they will just get out and they might just...
yeah thanks for the guide i have been try'n to beat that #2 don with no luck but this might change that. + rep for you.
cool im giving you a + rep for this.
you know what would be cool. if they made a game that you could win dubloons and items.
it don't matter who's guide it is as long as the one posting it don't take credit for it.