Separate names with a comma.
i agree it looks good
i think im gonna have to go see inception... the reveiws are great from you guys!!!
Hehe I Laughed At That We gonna Find you We gonna Find you
Whoah That Looks.............. Dire
Hey guys Just Wondering Who actually PLays Metroid Prime Hunters And if so please post your FC (Friend COde For You Nubs) Here Add Me!!!! FC =...
i Know this has been dead for a while but.... METROID PRIME HUNTERS FTW!!!!!! such a great action game!!!!! mah fav
Avatar is "alright" it is amazing from a Graphics perspective but The diaalogue is ****** And the Plot Aint the best.... as Said just watch the smurf...
Looks Quite Good Played Dota allstars And Loved it Haave To get this
Yeah.. alot of people are saying "inception" But a REALLY good film that im surprised hasnt been mentioned is the Godfather!!!!
THe first two Original AOE's Are brilliant the 3rd is a load of *****
Shooter was "alright" It is a "leave your brain at the door" film I also liked Kick-Arse ( yes im irish)
hey Guys Im gonna start a new topic on what would YOUR best Film ever be?!!!! Mine is The Hangover Mod says: This is meant to be a discussion about...
AOE 1+2 (3 is rubbish) WoW Diablo 2!!! Emperor Rise of the middle Kingdom !!!!! ( i Lurrvv You Emperor) Starcraft 2 Thats it!
Urrrgghghh Digimon...... I still have my Deck of Yu gi oh cards Spent about 150 euro on Blasted booster packs that cost 5 euro......EACH
Cant wait for the movie!!!!
I Love glee Watching it all the time... bought the soundtrack
WOW FTW!!!!!
I Lurvvvvv WoW,....
Used to play wow
Re: Currently working on my own game (ORPG) Game looks good KEEP DEVELOPING! might evolve in a WOW like thing