Separate names with a comma.
Yes I actally am obsessed, since my cell phone was disconnected it is my only way to contact my friends, and i Know every one of my friends. Hell, in...
I actually know my 100 friends, everysingle one, Like I know them i real life, school friends, preschool friends, people from my past that I search...
Do you think myspace is a really bad thing, I mean it's not really the kids who are making a big deal out of it. And don't you agree that 75% of...
I thought that Sars was funny when all the obbsessed people were wereing those little mask and stuff, but when it got to the point were Bird Flu was...
They don't, one because it goes against peace Corps and it violates one of the ammendments. two They would have to keep too many people hush hush and...
LMAO, people love there animals what can you say. I know this lady who had in her will that she wanted her dog put to sleep and burried with her...
I totaly agree, the things people do for money, that is so degrading
The real desease people should worry about is aids, they are SO close to finding a cure, in 20 years they have slowed it down by abput 17 years,...
I went and tried face book I hate it, there is also one called tag world, it's a bunch of bologna to
I don't think America has a ganeral one, different restaraunts do, also some theme parks do. But not like a national ban...goes to check :D
it all depends on whether the team depended on him for a good game. ----------------------- I hope they learned from before not to do that.....
It has to be guitar Hero 2, and the 70's on is coming out. That is kick butt!
1 th1nk 1t i5 0kay to us3 som3t1m3s but at others it gets anoyying. Lik3 when you are trying to discuss a legit topic but the other person is using...
I hate when I am on the way to youth group and I am running late, and the dum cycle people are in my way :x
Myspace pwns. It is the original, it is almost like all those copy cats of neo. Like superpets, kiropets, marapets. All that stuffs :D
It flew away just like a birdie. LOL I think it never was a major threat. Just a media hype
First Post: I am going to see it tonight. I heard it was not as funny as the first two, just looking for opinions. Second Post: Can you...