Separate names with a comma.
ty =0) gl everyone =0) i went with sandmans cause gotta love jack skellington right?
well its better than living in a so called dormant volcano .. which i think ppl do in utah my brother used to live out there in that area ...
some really cute ones there .. not sure what one i will vote for yet...
dotn got it yet 2008 was good though
never heard of it till now.. i may check it out later if i get bored =0)
all mine died =0(
heres one i like.. might be a lil twisted for some you =0) but enjoy any way
the world will end when the world is ready to end.. noone can predict how when why or where
i had ot laugh at this. i dont think ya can ever really be to old to trick or trat.. i my self trick or treated all the way up till last year.. and...
no problem with it at all.. its nice to preview before you buy... that way ya not out hard earned money if ya dont like the cd =0)
i would recommend viva pinata for the x box 360 the original first one and the new on trouble in paradise.. if you like sim games that ya have to...
hm this is a hard one .. i love all the game systems.. but i mostly only play my pc leaving the game systems to the kids..
i have tried the pk worlds.. a lot different .. i did how ever manage to go 3 days before i got killed =0)
wow tycoon games i love em lemonade tycoon was a decent one flower tycoon is another good one... hmm how ever i would love to find sim hospital for...
here is my shot.. oddly enough this contest ends on my b-day =0) [img]
*cries* 0.08 days left =(
went back 2 pages and clicked all the eggs and dragons i could find till now =) good luck every one and please click =) my Egg will die if it...
alli can saty is its about time.. but still he should have been smart enough not to get caught again or even better not to have attempted it to...
looks liek a yoshie egg =) my eggs onyl got 4 days left so click click click please
got my first egg going for my second =)