Separate names with a comma.
Hey im kinda new and i made enough posts (not Spam XD) to have over 15 points and i cant even buy a 5 point thing i have not made the max in one day...
A long long LONG time ago everyone get's music off internet now a days Technology Technology..........
Naruto is all right i used to watch it but kinda got pulled away to others
Thanks so much
XBOX360! better XD
Lol Wipeout is a wanna be Game show lol
i enjoy any Scary/Funny movie
Re: Beating punchbag bob... Fast :) Lol nice Please do not spam - Commy
i used to play Angerfist MS i was a GM but i abused it so
Sorry to ask this u guys have prob heard it a thousand time's but i need some help where do i get Scar i wont to get a program.
i used to play Druid beacuse i like the hole nature thing but kinda got boring... Rouge's are for me now XD
Join a Blizzlike Private server XD
I think being a Power leveler would be a huge commitment it would be something i would not want to do...
u can use mounts in Wrath....
I played Waterpolo for a while it was super fun and it makes u strong XD