"The pound is fair game, the pound is fair game, the pound is fair game... OH. You thought that we were serious? Nope, it's only "fair game" if you have virtually no connections." - TNT I know that it's stupid to get pissed about Neo, but that makes me so fucking angry. Nowhere does it SAY "TNT is unbiased and doesn't give items to the players that the staff like," so I can deal with that. But I HATE it when people lie like that, ESPECIALLY when they're supposed to be some big kind of corperation with some air of PROFESSIONALISM. It disgusts me that people like that are allowed to run anything at all. That being said, that hacker is a complete idiot. If you care enough about Neo to hack the elite accounts, then you should know that the system is a veritable sink hole of corruption and that you're going to acheive absolutely nothing by pulling basic tricks. You need to spend time in the account without alerting anyone, figure out PINs if there are any and do some /real/ damage. Obviously whatever you do is going to be corrected anyways, but make it subtle so that it takes longer - whatever you do, don't draw attention to your modifications while you're still hoping to further them. Publicise (with solid proof) afterwards if you want the fame. Or notoriety. Whatever. I hate people. Who invented them, anyways?
dogfriend2 was CG'd, in which case it wouldn't be that big a deal, so maybe they don't "care enough about Neo to hack the elite accounts", they just wanted to stir up some drama? And yeah, there were so many boards about this earlier...I posted links in the spam section.
Everyone knows that TNT's rules only apply to the masses. When you rise above the hoard of nameless faces, they either put you on a pedestal (hrobi, garet_jaxx, etc) or ice you (v_team, etc). Basically, you have to be a cut from the ideal mold and have no personal opinion if you want to be successful
*sighs* I know. I've known it for years. It makes me wish that I'd actually /tried/ when I started playing, because I've been on that stupid site for longer than most of Neo's elites. That doesn't make me feel any better about it. There's very little that pisses me off more than unprofessionalism. I still kinda hate people. =)
...uhm just a question.. how do they hack an account like that? I mean if the user would be at least a little smart he has a password like xxx#x#x#x#x#x##x$$%%&& and least thats what I had if I had such a pet...
heyyyyy Im not a looser just wasn't informed at all with anything was usually off in my own little world before now but I did know of featheralley just didnt know the story behind the pets. Now I do ! ^^
Clarify? The boards made by his supposed irl friends who were IMing him all said he was CG'd. And WingedOne, yep. It's pretty well-known they have TNT connections.
CG'd=Cookie Grabbed. (Site steals cookies from your browser and sends them somewhere else, then someone decodes the has and gets your information.)
Oh, sorry. It stands for "cookie grabbed." I'm just going to explain as if you don't know anything about it so that you don't have to waste your time asking again. ^^ Cookies are small text files stored in your computer when accessing websites - every time you log in to Neo, it creates a cookie of your login information. Cookie grabbers can be embedded in websites so that if you click a link, it steals your cookies (cookie theft. (N)) and then whoever has taken them can do whatever they like with the information that they glean (ie log into your account and pound your battlepet). Hopefully that explains it enough for you to get a general idea.
Well but then he still had to go to a website which grabs his cookies... Didn't he? Shouldn't he know better... (I just browsed some youtube vids thinking that 99% lead to cookie grabbing sites)
People put cookie grabbers in the weirdest places. Though, I always picture the serious players like that as the type who use one browser for Neo and one for everything else, so that they're NEVER offsite in the browser that they play Neo on. Cookie Grabbers only grab from the browser that you're on. (grabbed in FF, it won't take your Chrome cookies etc.)
Woah I never even realised that >_< I shoulda But I use IE Tab in firefox, how would that affect where my cookies are stored?
Technically, it's possible to put a cookie grabber on any page in Neo in which you can input coding. (Lol, wouldn't it be ironic if Macky's petpage was a cookie grabber?) It's just...annoy/difficult to do, I suppose? I don't know much about that, but I do know that it's possible to put a cookie grabber in your shop, lookup, petpage, etc. if you wanted to. (Though of course it's against the NF rules to really discuss CGers.)
well the Neopets filter like blocking a <body> tag so I believe that coding around the filter making a cookie graber is like really, really hard to do... Isn't it way more likely he went offsite? (Uhm just discussing them, or discussing how to acutally make them?)