It was..just like, a normal commercial. About the daily dare. Sooo weird. Yeah, I got frozen, but the account was legit, so tnt is just retarded.
lbadmus- That sucks so much dude. I've had a few accounts frozen when they were legit, considering I was too young to know how to NOT be legit back then... TNT really is a bunch of f*** nuts.
I'm amazed that I've been playing neopets for 5 years and I've never had an account frozen. (I got a couple of my friends iced, but I don't count that )
Haha, how'd you do that? Wait...getting off topic. Question: Do you get a prize for beating the girl's score instead of AAA?
yes you do there is also a minor 'special' prize for beting the igrl everyday on realease and everyday not on release
Hmm...does anyone have an example of a prize from beating the girl's score? Normal AAA ones sell from 1.5k-6k (though I keep mine >.>)
I have only beat AAA on lab jellies and extreme herder. How pathetic. A list of all the girls prizes to date for you Karuken ; Destructomatch - Destruct-o-munch Meerca Chase - Candy Negg Assortment Lab Jellies - Scourge of the Lab Jellies Home Version Itchy Invasion - Petpetpet-B-Gone Turmac Roll - Turmac Rolls Attack of Gummy Dice - Gummy Dice Blocks Evil Fuzzles - Evil Fuzzle Smartbomb Toy Wingoball - Wingoball Bouncy Ball Hassee Bounce - Doughnutfruit Sandwich Snowmuncher - Snowmuncher Salad Sophies Stew - Sophies Bowl of Stew Whack a Kass - Whack-A-Kass Home Game Ice Cream Machine Ice Cream Machine Sundae Jubble Bubble - Jubble Bubble Ball MAGAX - Dark Chocolate MAGAX Ugga Smash - Ugga Repair Wrench Snowball fight - Cozy Red Snow Jumper Bouncy Supreme - Lava Cupcake Brunos backwoods breakaway - Genuine Volcano Run II Lava Rock Good Luck Charm (How random) Attack of the Revenge - Wooden Sword Practice Set Dubloon Disaster -Dubloon Bank Igloo Garage Sale - Carassas Coat I think that is everything, correct me if i'm wrong
Even AAA's prizes aren't that great, I just sold the Herder Paddock after days of having it in my shop.
Wait, do you get a different prize if you beat a game 2-3 days after rather than on the day it was announced...? I know that you get... Grand Prize - Beat all of AAA's challenges on the day they're announced. Super Prize - Beat all of AAA's challenges. But I'm talking about single Daily Dare games. Like I beat Igloo Garage Sale - The Game today...would I get a different prize if I were to beat it tomorrow (assuming I hadn't today)
Well during the first Mimzy Compair double dare day my guild member and I both got different prizes for beating AAA, and we couldn't figure out why...
Was your guild member a non-US resident? Because anyone not in the US played whack-a-kass and the prize was a whack-a-kass windsock
Oh, I was going to suggest that perhaps you two were playing the two different Last Mimzy Games...Pair Compare and Pair Compare. But I guess not. I was confused at first about the two Last Mimzy games heh heh.
Nope it was on the same day, the first game that was featured as the daily dare that was about Mimzy.