There are SOME autoadopters that automatically grab painted pets/pets with stats over a certain value. Maybe put it in the idea section if you want one
F, so basically just don't transfer painted pets anymore. =P I'll submit it... I'm surprised we don't have one yet!
Ah, well, I'm no programmer, so I have absolutely no concept of the difficulty level involved. ;D I think perhaps I'll just start ABing and when I'm a bajillionaire I'll just repaint basic colors anytime I want to attempt a transfer. -sigh- How on earth does one successfully sell pets with this sort of program running amok???
...dangit, can someone point me towards the "read this before asking questions about programs" thread? I seem to be missing something, I know it's here SOMEwhere but I just can't seem to find it. :/
hey Sucks dude... sorry for your loss. Me personally, I don't like people who cheat on games. Partly because I'm a serious gamer myself and love challenging myself and others but no gamer can compete with speed hacking and partly because I have no idea why anyone would want a profile full of trophies they can't take any pride in getting. You can be happy you cheated your way to a trophy, but you can't be proud of your skill or speed or in fact anything about it. BUT... and I get to my point finally... there will be AAers and ABers and MFers & game cheaters regardless of what anyone thinks. And some days you get the bear (or the MP), some days it gets you (or your pet), lol
We don't want to pull anything over on other users. We have already talked about this... just over TNT. The thing is, it is a interesting line, that is hard to tell if you cross it. EDIT: Once I get the MSAB, I am buying one of these.
Evidently, not everyone agrees with you, or AAing wouldn't be a problem. :/ I am ALL FOR having the AAer for transfer. Particularly since TNT has refused to create a pet transfer center for unbelievably stupid reasons. ("Will make it easier to sell pets." HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!) The person said they'd return the pet to me later. I hope they do. Hehe, I'll probably just donate $$ for points to buy the ABer when I decide to go that route. I wish I could donate $$ for access to the blackmarket board, though!! That's my goal for now.
Thanks, guys. If the person who AA'd my pet happens to be on this board, PLEASE return it to me! I tip nicely. You'll know it's me cuz I was SUPER nice to you!! ;D
If I had an AAer I'd AA avatar pets, but then give them back because that's the kind of nice person I am I wouldn't want to keep the pets anyway, I'm a horrible pet hoarder I have about 6 painted pets on different accounts, and I'm trying to get more. I think I'm developing an addiction.
Hehe - well, then you're not AAing, you're just "borrowing" for the avvie. Easy way to get lent. "Oh, I'm -SO- sorry, I saw him and I thought someone had pounded him, I didn't mean to interrupt your transfer. Here, I'll re-pound him to you (after I get the avvie, mwa ha ha!)." I'm a pet hoarder too. It IS addictive. I hide my spare accounts as the other boards I frequent look down on pet hoarders. Nope, sorry, don't have the time or inclination to create lookups/petpages/bc entries/poems/stories/comics/etc for all of those pets. I don't like them *that* much. They're just purdy. =D
You never really know what happens to pets. You can usually tell, because of the account status and stats but sometimes real people just get lucky and snatch a pet.
Unlikely. I was constantly refreshing the QAL before my pounding account had even finished processing the pound. Unless they knew I would be pounding that particular pet and were ALSO refreshing the QAL, there is -no way- they could have refreshed the pound, seen my pet, clicked adopt, clicked "ok" before I'd refreshed the QAL. It's not possible. And like I said - I had no indication that ANY of the pets on that account were going anywhere, so nobody had a clue to refresh that pet's QAL. The two options here: a)this person randomly saw my pets from me posting on the neoboards, liked my pet, and added their name to the AAers; or b)this person has an AAer that can search by color/level/species etc and my pet fit their predetermined parameters. But real person getting lucky? No. Absolutely not.
id AA pets that were semi strong and hope the owners did wut i did and forget to unequip ALL the items first (i lost a green scorchstone back then lol)