I believe there are some circumstances when abortions are the right decision, if you know for a fact a child is going to be mentally handicaped why put it through that? If the child will suffer I believe abortion is the right thing to do.
Abortion is a personal decision, really. I don't think it should be banned, however, I think that if you're getting an abortion because you were too much of a tool to have protected sex, screwed up and ended up getting pregnant, then you should deal with your mistakes in a way other than abortion because it's not the baby's fault you were a retard. >_>
George Carlin said it the best. Pro-life is anti-woman! Show me a single woman living alone, working for minimum wage who could handle a baby. What kind of life could she really be able to give that child? And what of her life?
there's no excuse to kill a baby. if you don't want the child, or can't properly care for him/her, GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO CAN ! there are plenty of people out there who are willing to adopt a baby.. make their dream come true & don't kill an innocent baby. seriously.
If my mom got pregnant with me because she was raped, I would still want to be alive. Besides, it is not OUR choice to decide if something lives or dies. Let them grow up, turn 18 and then if they decide "omg i am a rape baby i dont wanna live" then let them comit suicide on their own. Real mothers don't kill their children. Also, if you get an abortion I feel you should never ever be allowed to have children. If you are going to kill a baby inside you, it is JUST LIKE killing it after you push it out. What if you have a 6 month old and decide omgosh I cant do this and you suck your kids brains out with a hose and throw the remains in the trash. This is the same wether or not the baby is 6 months old or 6 weeks old growing inside of you. How can you sleep at night knowing you are a murderer? I couldn't do it. I think anyone who kills a baby is pure evil and if there is a hell, you've got a room reserved. I even think that if the child is deformed or handicapped it should still be born. I understand why some people don't think it should be, but at the same time I do not have a right to deny something life wether it be born brain dead, six headed, or what...I still don't have the RIGHT to deny life to something.
Abortion, eh, I haven't really thought about it much. But I guess it's a good decision if the baby was a mistake or there are certain circumstances where you can't take of it properly. I mean, the world's population is really big as it is, we don't need to encourage people to have babies. -____-
What right do we have to decide if it lives or dies? Well, with over-population soon to become an issue, we might soon see abortion becoming even more accepted. As for living or dying, what about children who have complications during birth and could die by any natural sense. We put our hand in to save it. I guess what I'm trying to say is nature is controlled, and we can control those who live or die by our own decisions and whims. I'm not a religious person (big shock, huh?) so I don't believe in any form of mysticism. I believe some handicapped children shouldn't be allowed to be born. Most normal people are miserable, and I'm sure a serious handicap would damper the spirits.
If the population is a problem the government could make a law that states women have to get fixed after they have two kids. I think somewhere in China it's a law that they can only have one kid and they have to get fixed. They could do that here so people wouldn't have to kill babies.
I pretty much believe abortion should be allowed It really depends on the case but if a person decides that they are not fit to take care of the baby, then abortion is the "right" thing to do
It really is a messed up option to have to take, and anyone who thinks that a girl who has one does so lightly is insane. On that note, I think it should be legal for exactly that reason; you can't force people not to do what they want to. Even if illegality discourages things, it doesn't prevent them from happening illegally (and unsafely). Legal + reasonable restrictions + safety first = best way.
in certain cases i think it is aloud like for example if a 13 year old girl is pregnant then get an abortion but if it is an old women who is a whore than have the child and disown
Wow touchy topic. But i believe in such cases as rape or child molestation, yes it should be justifiable. But a hooker who ends up prego no, a teen who gets drunk and prego no, and a teen being dumd and not using protection no. They should be made to carry the baby and if they dont want it there is a happy family somewhere that would love to. No sense in killing something when you stupidly gave it life. I am 17 and have a baby. I took full responsibilty. I have my own place, GED, and will be going to college. While her daddy sits in prison i am raising her bymyself. If i can do it anybody can
That is such bologna. If a person gets pregnant and decides they are not fit to take care of a baby, THEN THEY ARE NOT FIT TO BE SPREADING THEIR LEGS. And if you aren't fit to be a Dad then I suggest you not have sex. If a girl has an abortion just because she doesn't think she can handle a kid, then she deserves to die herself. Don't murder an innocent child because you wanna be a hoe. :yup:
situations can vary. many women don't have the resources you do. i honestly believe it's up to the woman in question (and the father). but really, it's her body, and her life that will change the most. no one else should be able to tell her that the decision she's making is murder if it's in her best interests. i mean, some people value the life of the unborn child more than that of the woman who carries it in many cases. it's ridiculous :/ the woman's life gets permanently f'ed up vs the "murder" or an unborn fetus.
I do not believe in abortion my mom had an abortion for medicail resions and she says that she would do anything to let god have put the matter in his hands
I am pro choice all the way a woman is allowed to do as she chooses with her body But that being said, girls who have had 3abortions by the time they're 20 should have their vaginas sewed shut. Making abortions illegal will not stop abortions, it will just lower the health and safety standards of these abortions.
I think it should depend on the age of consent. If you are legally consenting to the sex, then you can't have an abortion. The average age is 16, so if you're 15 at time of conception you can get an abortion with a parent's consent. Simple enough