Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I did fix that problem but it's not in the currently available version.. but the problem was that the attic daily counter didn't reset if AU is closed and then opened again on the next NST day. The counter will reset if the NST day changes while AU is running in the current release.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 So I've kind of skimmed about the pages on this particular thread. If I use normal enough wait times, and monitor my restocking (basically make it look human), do you think i'll be okay just restocking on my main account? I worry about transferring items that I want to keep/use for myself >.O
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I really wouldn't recommend it. Nothing is fool-proof; I'd recommend you purchase a "starter main", one that's 6 months+, avvies, painted pets, games played, trophies, etc. and AB on that. If you have an item or np you want to use, then you can transfer it. I think it's safer to transfer to your main than to AB on your main.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Thanks for the suggestion Phee, maybe you can advise me further?: If I get a starter main (which Im all for doing) and over the course of some time (let's say a small time frame like a week or two- Or even longer, doesnt matter that much on time) and I get.. Gonna use complete examples here: a MP worth ~2 million, a magical plushie worth 800k, a book worth 100k, a petpet worth 200k, etc.. You get what I mean- And if I want to KEEP these for myself and use them on my main, how will I get them over without looking fishy? Thats where i worry bigtime, because TNTs gonna shit a brick if they see me trade items worth that much to another account with a junk offer in return.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Sorry Junior, you're right. when i was talking to you last night it was very late- I missed the part about the trades, i only read about liquidating stuff and buying something good to sell. I went and re-read it, and behold it was there
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Also, does anyone know why AU isnt downloading all my images? it downloaded my first 3 purchases of petpets, but I havent gotten anything else downloaded even though i've bought items? (books since then). I have the little checkbox ticked that says to download them. I know this may seem like a tiny detail but it's a big deal to me o.o
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I have previously used AU and used to get reasonable buy times(about 2.5 to 3 seconds).. After some time of inactivity i have started to use it again but to my disappointment buy time are longer(greater than 4 seconds)..i miss lots of items.. I didnt change any setting within Au and i am not using a proxy... Please give me some pointers regarding the correct setting(not refresh times etc)...Should i enable or disable 'download image before buying option'..
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Not sure what you mean.. are you saying AU has used the 'no image available' image on the recent buy display? if so, it is because the item wasn't found in jellyneo's database. If you mean the latest buy panel isn't being updated, it is probably because you stopped AU before the next pause. AU only updates the latest buy panel and performs actions on bought items (e.g send to shop and price) if it is on an after restock or refresh pause. If you stop processes before then, the items will not get added to the latest buy panel. assassin if you aren't using a proxy then your buy speeds are limited by your connection speed. disabling the download image before buy will speed up the buy process slightly - but should only be by a fraction of a second.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Nothing changed with me either Assasin, and my buy times have also increased slightly.. about a quarter to half a second to be exact.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 No it's just blank O_O I do have a habit though of pausing it and changing things around because its a brand new program to me, so that could easily be why, i probably only let it go to the next pause once, hence the petpets. I'll try to stop fiddling with it Thanks muchly
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 i can select stop process after x buys, Why cant i select the stop process after x mins???
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Sorry, I'm having two problems at the moment-- One being a Microsoft framework problem, Unhandled exception error..wondering if there is any fix on that, and also On the manage lists screen i dont have an option for shops 1 2 3 and igloo it just says List to manage, the feature that shows up on the right hand side on your screen shots..wondering if maybe this all has something to do with my computer
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Zekey* the list menu has been changed now..we dont have list option for shops 123 etc.. Instead there will be a drop down box where you select a particular magic etc and on its right side you will see a load list button which lets you store the list of magic is like load one time and forget it kind of thing.. And for your other question Au needs Framework 3.5 i guess..Here is the link ... laylang=en
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 You can... the same page where you edit the shops you restock in, down the bottom. It says stop process after [] minutes. There you can input however many minutes you want it to run for...
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 you can't alter the session settings while processes are running.. those must be set before you start
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 when does the attic restocker run? during pauses, or while the main shops are being visited?
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 when the NST time is between 50 and 56 seconds past the minute. It seems the attic restocks only restocks at :53 seconds past.