Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 If you are entering your username and password at authorization and are unable to authorize, the only reason for this is that the program is being blocked from using your internet. Try disabling your firewall or internet security software or even uninstalling it if the problem continues. You could also try it on another computer which doesn't have the same security software installed (if there is one available). If you are still unable to get it working you are of course entitled to a refund, just PM me If you've got minimum buy time, pause before buy or download item image before buy enabled, try disabling those settings. Otherwise, try to find out which part of the buy is taking the longest (paste a log of one of your buys here from View->Log)
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 expon, since you guys are on that topic, I assume that internet connection speed heavily affects AU? Would you recommend the minimum buy time possible if I live in a country with really slow internet? (Less than 100 kbps download speed. I know -.- )
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Well it depends what buy times you get with the minimum buy time function disabled. If you are getting over 2-2.5 seconds for main buys without minimum buy time enabled, it's probably best not to enable it
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Kk. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. I hope Acheteur Ultime 5 comes out soon. I bet it'll be imba
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I have a problem with the Auto Pricer, is says it updated prices on the program, check my shop and it has, the last of the log allways says this, unless im autobuying of course Autopricer: Price(s) found - ready to update shop...
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 If it is.. There is a pin option in settings that will allow it to work. Oh and I have been having fun with this glitch for a while now. It's entertaining.. Gave me a heart attack the first time I saw it. Then realized it wasn't real. So, put at least 1np into your bank. and have money in your till (from sales) And then a random amount on hand. Doesn't matter. For the purposes of this test, I put 1 np into my bank, and ha, a random number of 999,456 NP on hand. Using AU, click Actions, Withdraw Neopoints. So it brings up this cool looking box. Says that I have 158,725 NPs in my till. Added together with everything else in my bank and on hand, = 1,158,182 NP. So click withdraw ALL from till. Done.. Notice something wrong with the Neopoints total Too bad it didn't actually make that real Anyway, thats my newest glitch I've found. Entertaining... doesn't affect anything at all.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Wow, I've been missing like 90% of the Mps with like 3.1s buy times. Missed some really nice ones too Anyone wanna tell the lowest buy time at Magic while still being safe?
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 You'll miss 99% of magic items, no big deal. Do a minimum buy time of 2 sec- though I've timed myself legit rsing on a RS simulator and I couldn't beat 3 sec :/
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I keep my minimum buy time at 3s, so I usually get 3.1-3.3s buys. But I'm wondering if say 2.8s buy times would be to low. I also tried a simulator and I got as low as 2, but that was with java thing turned off.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I don't get banned with 2.1+ buy times...I think it's fine because by hand, I can haggle haggle around that speed too.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 You might get away with 2.1 buy times at some safer less profitable shops, but I doubt you'd last long in magic with those buy times.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 My last 3 buys have been Draik Eggs and I have had sub 2.0 buy times, and I am not frozen, granted these came roughly a week apart
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Actually I AB'd in magic for months without getting iced and all my buys were below 3; I switched to a different shop though and I just thought I'd be more cautious because I'm growing attached to the account xD ... -practice/ TEST YOURSELF
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 Already have general-chit-chat-f6/check-your-skills-t34244.html It's weird though, cause when I started ABing in Magic, which was like 2 weeks ago, I was getting like 80% of the Mps with the same settings and buy times. Might have been luck I guess. After hearing what you guys have said I'm thinking a 2.5+ buy time should be fairly safe.
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 god i love this program even more than the last time i used it couple of questions, has anyone else tried this with windows 7? and for the 'pause x before buying' option, is it possible to enter a number like 300-500 to give a random wait time or not?
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 I believe it is pretty random within milliseconds because programs are not 100% precise on running the code to the milliseconds (and also webpages load slower/faster). For Windows 7, it works for me...
Re: Acheteur Ultime 4-95 works fine for me with 7 but some of the text overlaps into the settings boxes for me, although could just be my resolution or something just trying to make my buys times vary a bit more as they're all far too similar. but is it possible to enter a range of values which au picks a random one from?